Infusion Classes
Ready to Register? Click here to go to course description and registration page, which is housed with Colorado Digital Learning Solutions (CDLS).
What are Infusion Classes?
Student Infusion Classes are an attempt to provide quality, challenging content to high ability students in Northeast Colorado. Each course is designed to have eight (8) lessons total, one per week. Course Maps are provided to give a larger expanse of what is required for each class; please see the link at the end of each course description.
Originally designed just for Northeast BOCES students in the 2017-2018 school year, the opportunity was expanded to GT students in East Central BOCES for the 2018-2019 school year. In 2019, Infusion Classes were moved on the CDLS (, to make them available for all BOCES GT Students statewide.
Each class is designed to be self-paced, meaning students can complete each weekly lesson whenever one class period a week is available to them in school. The hope is to provide content engaging and challenging enough that students want to do more than the allocated time per week and continue to work on their own.
Schools are asked to provide one class period per week for students to work on the lesson material in school. This can be done by compacting the curriculum for the students if he/she is able to complete the week of work in fewer days, or eliminating a day of work in a class if the student has shown mastery of that content. It is up to school to determine the best time for the student.

Who can take Infusion Classes?
These classes are designed for high-ability learners in grades 3-8. As such, the school and GT Coordinators can determine which students can learn independently, may find challenge in the course topic, and are able to handle the online responsibility of digital citizenship. Students are not required to be identified as gifted.
"Common sense would suggest that having ability, like being smart, inspires confidence. It does, but only while the going is easy. The deciding factor in life is how you handle setbacks and challenges. People with a growth mindset welcome setbacks with open arms."
Travis Bradberry
To see the full Infusion Class brochure PDF, please click on this link. Questions? Please email Paula McGuire, GERC for the Northeast Region at