CGER Summary Information
A Colorado Gifted Education Review (C-GER) occurs once every four years for each administrative unit around the State of Colorado. With about 60 administrative units, that means an average of 15 are reviewed each year. Administrative units include BOCES, independent districts (usually larger), and/or district partnerships. Northeast BOCES completed their C-GER review in the Spring of 2018. Part of this process was to survey stakeholders, including parents, teachers, administrators, and students to get feedback on what areas of gifted education are going well and what areas need improvement.
There are thirteen elements that are reviewed by the C-GER team. These elements are codified in Colorado Law, and each have various key requirements under them. The thirteen elements include: Definition, Identification, Parent/Family Engagement and Communication, Advanced Learning Plans, Programming, Budget, Personnel, Record Keeping, Reports, Evaluation and Accountability, Monitoring, Procedures for Disagreements, and Early Access. The final element, Early Access, is not required unless the AU has opted in. At this time, Northeast BOCES has not opted in to Early Access, making them responsible for twelve elements during the 2018 review.
As results become available, they will be posted here. However, parents are encouraged to speak with their school administrators and GT School Coordinators to receive information specific to the district their student attends.
Survey Results from Stakeholders

Parent/Family Survey Results
The document to the left contains the overall results from parents and family members. Please see the legend at the bottom to be clear on what each color bar represents.

Teacher Survey Results
Teacher survey results can be viewed by clicking on the document to the left.
Comprehensive Program Plan
The Comprehensive Program Plan (CPP) for an administrative unit (Northeast BOCES) is a written plan reflecting on what is currently happening based on the CGER review process and the targets set to improve in needed areas over the next four years. The copy of the CPP below has been written as a result of the CGER review, and may be updated this summer after the team from the Colorado Department of Education makes suggestions based on their independent evaluation.