4-2: Honor

Ms. Horkanehorkan@ncschools.org203 - 947 - 3384

Mrs. Harrison Riverskharrison@ncschools.org929 - 240 - 1172

Hi 4-2 Scholars and Families!

We have been thinking about our scholars and their families and hope everyone is safe and healthy! We miss you all dearly and look forward to keeping in contact by phone, Class Dojo, or this website. Stay tuned into this website for updates on how to support your scholar at home, online learning options, and opportunites for interacting with us. Please let us know if you need ANYTHING at all. We will miss seeing everyone each day and do everything we can to support from afar. Stay safe and we hope to see everyone soon!!


Ms. Horkan and Mrs. Harrison Rivers

We want to hear all about how you are spending your time over this break from school!

Fill out this form to send us information about how you are doing, questions you may have, or to upload photos/videos for the website!

Online Learning Log In Directions

We will be using Epic! Books and Khan Academy daily for instruction. Please follow the steps listed below to help your scholar log onto our classroom page!

Khan Academy

Epic! Books

Brain Pop

Username: clearstream

Password: brainpop

4-2 Scholar Emails

4-2 Emails and Passwords.xlsx

Use these emails for Google Classroom, scholar emails, and any other academic website you will be using! Please do not share log in info with other scholars!