SLD 2020

Beginning July 1, 2020, North Carolina no longer uses an IQ-Achievement Discrepancy Model for identification of students with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD). Instead, we will use what is known as an Instructional Model for SLD identification. This model requires the application of multiple sources of data, including educational history, universal screening data, response to intervention and progress monitoring data, and observational data, to determine whether a student may qualify for EC as a student with an SLD.

NC DPI SLD Fact Sheets - Revised April 2021

SLD Fact Sheet #1_Summary of Changes.pdf
SLD Fact Sheet #2_Instruction_Intervention_LEP.4.16.21.pdf
SLD Fact Sheet #3_EducationalAssessment.pdf
SLD Fact Sheet #4_Exclusionary Factors.pdf
SLD Fact Sheet #7_Implementation.pdf
SLD Fact Sheet #5_Inadequate Achievement.pdf
SLD Fact Sheet #8_Insufficient Progress.pdf
SLD Fact Sheet #10_FAQs 7.2021.pdf
SLD Fact Sheet #6_Observation Requirements.pdf
SLD Fact Sheet #9 English Learners.pdf

SLD Data-Mapping Template


Parent Information about Learning Disabilities

SLD-Conversations guide.pdf

NCPS MTSS Livebinder