ECATS Reminders and Updates

ECATS Tip - Addendums

You will need to enter all addendums into ECATS as you do them.

Addendums without meetings are still permitted.

ECATS Tip - Assessment Summary

Remember - The Assessment Summary Section of the forms is not part of the form.  You must select the assessments you entered in this section on other parts of the forms.

ECATS Tip  - Consent

After you create a Final Consent for Evaluation or a Consent for Services form, you will need to enter the parent response and date for each.  Return to the Consent tab in EC Process and enter the date and response in each section.  Also the signed documents (for initial placement only) will need to be scanned and uploaded into the documents section of the student file.  

If a parent is revoking consent, create a new Consent for Services form for them to sign as revoking consent.  Remember to go back and enter the date signed and select revoked consent on the drop down bar.  This will give the student a clear check mark indicating that he/she is no longer EC.

ECATS Tip - IEP Accommodations Page

Accommodations do not have to be an exact match...just remember that whatever a student receives on a state test must also be given in the classroom.  However, the student can receive more accommodations in the classroom than what are provided on the state tests.   

Remember to use the Implementation Specification green tab at the bottom of the page to add the details for each accommodation.  Copy/paste is a quick way to enter repeated information.

ECATS Tip - IEP Present Level

Think of the present level as a pyramid.

ECATS Tip - Team 

ECATS Tip - Uploading External Documents

ECATS Basics

November 21, 2019

ECATS presentation at EC Conference.pdf

Steps for General Education Teachers to follow in order to access IEPs in ECATS

ECATS Tips - General Education Teachers

EC Case Managers need to add all General Education teachers of the student each semester to the IEP team tab, this gives the teacher access to view forms.  Note:  They will still need to sign the Notification to General Education Teacher form each semester or each time the IEP has been changed.  

Copy of STEPS TO REVIEW IEPs in ECATS for General Education Teachers

Autism Tip Sheet for ECATS


Homebound Tip Sheet for ECATS

ECATS TipSheet.Homebound.pdf

Revocation of Consent Tip Sheet for ECATS

ECATS TipSheet Revocation of Consent.pdf