Thesis Statements

What is a thesis statement?

A thesis statement argues an analytical idea. It is your own interpretation that you intend to back up with textual evidence; this is your reason and motivation for writing.

A strategy for crafting a thesis statement:

1. Answer the "how" or "why":

A thesis statement must be specific not only about the main idea, but how or why that main idea is logical or meaningful.

Weak Thesis Statement: Students should spend their free period time in the lounge.

  • This is a main idea, but it does not explain how or why it makes sense.

Strong Thesis Statement: Students should spend their free period time in the lounge because students can socialize by interacting with other students in the open and free space.

  • This is a main idea with a reason that explains why it’s a logical idea.

2. Experiment with structure:

Once you have clarified a specific main idea and why or how it makes sense, you can fool around with the structure of the sentence. Below are structural variations on that same strong thesis statement:

  • Since free period time is for socializing, students should spend their free period time in the lounge because it’s the best place in the school for students to interact with each other.
  • While the library is also a place where students socialize, the lounge is the best place for students to spend their free period time since an open and free space for students to interact in a non-academic setting.

3. Use a complex sentence:

Complex sentences, like the ones written above, work well for thesis statements. A complex sentence has more than one clause: a dependent clause and an independent clause.

An independent clause can stand on its own as a full sentence: Students should spend their free period time in the lounge.

A dependent clause cannot stand alone as a complete sentence; it always clarifies the independent idea:

  • Since free period time is for socializing,
  • Because it’s the best place in the school for students to interact with each other,

Below are some examples of complex sentence structures that can work for your thesis statement:

Thesis Statement - Complex Sentence Structure.pdf

Examples of effective thesis statements

  • By empathizing with the struggle some individuals face to feel free, Scout is able to surpass her initial misjudgments of others and recognize that each person deserves respect.

  • Since Holden lacks self-confidence and is dissatisfied with who he is as an individual, he is unable to form meaningful relationships with other adults.

  • Although Mr. Hundert has strong morals, he does not consistently act on his beliefs and thus fails to instill a sense of morality in his students.

  • Although Myrtle initially embodies the glimpse of possibility and vitality in the Valley of Ashes, her desperate attempts to appear wealthy through Tom coupled with her exaggerated death highlight Fitzgerald's resentment toward the dismal reality of the American Dream.

  • Since Achebe explores the complexity and dignity of the Igbo tribe's religion and culture, he combats the image of Africans as a crude and savage people.