Research Handbook

Conducting research is a task people do, no matter what their job. Hedge fund associates conduct research about the economy. Landscapers conduct research about weed killers, pesticides and environmental change. Whatever your purpose for doing research, it's important to learn the skills to do it well.

In order to graduate NCHS, you will need to pass the research standard and demonstrate that you have developed the skills necessary to conduct thorough and insightful research. In each class you take at NCHS you may be asked to do research. In your junior year, you will do specific research projects for which you will write a research essay in both your English and history classes. The research essay in your junior year will be your main opportunity to demonstrate your research skills and pass the research standard for graduation.

The Writing Center is a great resource to use while you do research. Check out these tips about the research process below and come in to meet with a Writing Center teacher!

Gathering Information

Reading and Organizing Information

Crafting the Essay

Research process start to finish (with model essays)

NCHS School Research Rubric

NCHS School Research Rubric