
Posters Featuring Gifted Women

Gifted girls often don't feel like they have representation. These posters seek to fix that:

Source: Energy.govSet 2:
Set 1:
Set 3:

Posters Featuring People of Color

Giftedness exists in the top 5% of EVERY population. Unfortunately, many gifted kids aren't exposed to examples of people like them. Double unfortunately, many adults are not aware that giftedness in young people presents itself in an infinite array of ways based on upbringing, experiences, and cultural emphases on one form of expression over another. Adults often see giftedness as it was defined by their own developmental and educational experiences, and not through the lens of another culture or heritage.

Let's all get in touch with reality and realize that pigmentation has nothing to do with the human mind.

Click the following posters to follow a link to a each poster set.

Posters Featuring Mindsets & Best Practices

The NAGC offers some fantastic posters to help people understand the Nature and Needs of exceptional students:

The NAGC also offers a set on Differentiation to give educators and parents a summary of the options and systems in place.


a poster for
