Language of the Discipline

***The Elements of Depth & Complexity are, to put it simply, a framing tool for creating critical writing prompts. Each Element is paired with an Icon. Drawing and/or memorizing the Icon is secondary to the actual USE of the Element to create better questions. When students learn what each Element means, they can start creating prompts for themselves, saving the teacher a lot of time.

Use this Element to shift students’ mindsets and get them to think and sound like a professional in a specific discipline. Elicit content-specific vocabulary from your discipline or an area of interest that the student can bring to bear on the topic at hand.

Prompts may include:

  • Graphic organizers to develop specific vocabulary
  • Identifying key terms that a professional would use in a discussion of the text
  • Illustrating subject- or discipline-specific vocabulary from the text
  • Etymology - breaking up parts of the word (prefix, root, suffix) and describing their meanings, origins, and how they can be used in different contexts.
  • Creating and publishing tools, like picture dictionaries, to aid others in learning.

Social Studies

  1. Locate a political term in the lesson. Write a short comic strip that describes how our perception of the term has changed over time.
  2. Create a timeline showing how key technological advancements affected this topic.
  3. What social studies concept that we are learning about could have helped the characters in the most recent story you read? How?
  4. Create a tool (frayer model, pictograph, chart, etc.) to help others understand at least five terms that embody the professional language in this article.
  5. Create a picture dictionary of all major vocabulary in this unit of study. When possible, include examples. If the task is large, split the vocabulary with a partner and share the work in Google Slides.
  6. What current technology in the field of ___________ would have drastically changed the outcome of this historical event? Briefly describe how the use of this technology would have changed the outcome… or go all-in and write a short story about the situation.
  7. Take three professional terms from this unit of study. Break them up into their prefix, root, and suffix. Define each part of each word and describe the words’ origins; i.e. geographic origin, cultural origin, a historical figure who used the word (if possible), who first used the word, and how it was originally used.
  8. What would a specialist in _________ say about the relationship between _______ and ______ ?
  9. If __________ were a ___________ (disciplinarian), how would he/she have approached the problem?
  10. Based on research and what you’ve already learned, rewrite a scene from your favorite story with _______________ (historical figure) swapped with the main character. For example, Martin Luther King, Jr. as Harry Potter when Potter is facing Quirrel at the end of Book 1.
  11. Report on a current event in __________ (discipline) that has parallels to this topic either literally or metaphorically.


  1. Create a picture dictionary of all major vocabulary in this unit of study. When possible, include examples and pictures. If the task is large, split the vocabulary with a partner and share the work in Google Slides.
  2. What five words would an English Major use to best summarize the text? Write a brief explanation for each word you choose and include specific phrases from the text that support your choices.
  3. Report on a current event in __________ (discipline) that has something to do with your story either literally or metaphorically.
  4. Create a tool (frayer model, pictograph, chart, etc.) to help others understand at least five terms that embody the professional language in this article.
  5. Take three professional terms from this unit of study. Break them up into their prefix, root, and suffix. Define each part of each word and describe the words’ origins; i.e. geographic origin, cultural origin, who first used the word (if possible), and how it was originally used.
  6. What would a specialist in _________ say about the relationship between _______ and ______ ?
  7. Rewrite the climax of the story, but insert a scientist you have been learning about in another class. How would this new character affect the outcome of the story?
  8. Find at least three words from what we’ve learned so far in this class that have different meanings in different subjects. Write their multiple definitions and explain why/how the words work in each context.
  9. In what time period was this written? If the text is not contemporary, rewrite your favorite section (at least 10 lines) in modern language. If the text is contemporary, rewrite it in language that would have been used at least 100 years prior (at least 10 lines).
  10. Writing is a skill that takes a lot of practice and growth. Without even thinking about it, professional writers are using skills that you’re learning right now. Record an interview of a professional writer and ask them to really think about the basics they use every day without even thinking about it. Share some topics from our class with them to get them thinking.


  1. Choose one content-specific word that was new to you and define it. Draw a graphical representation of the word you picked. Add this to your picture dictionary.
  2. Locate three mathematical words in the lesson. Write a short comic strip that helps explain the words.
  3. Create a table, graph, or chart that describes a situation in the story.
  4. Use characters and a situation from the story to write a word problem involving _________________.
  5. Create a tool (frayer model, pictograph, chart, etc.) to help others understand the professional language in this article.
  6. Create a picture dictionary of all major vocabulary in this unit of study. When possible, include examples. If the task is large, split the vocabulary with a partner and share the work in Google Slides.
  7. What did people in this discipline have to do to solve problems like this one before they had our technology? Research, describe, and use their methods and tools to solve a problem from class. No electronic devices allowed!
  8. Take three words from this unit of study. Break them up into their prefix, root, and suffix. Define each part of each word and describe the words’ origins; i.e. geographic origin, cultural origin, mathematician who first used the word, and how it was originally used.
  9. What would a specialist in _________ say about the relationship between _______ and ______ ?
  10. If __________ were a ___________ (disciplinarian), how would he/she have approached the problem?
  11. Rewrite the story using only mathematical symbols.
  12. Report on a current event in __________ (discipline) that has something to do with your story either literally or metaphorically.


  1. Locate three scientific words in the lesson. Write a short comic strip that helps explain the words.
  2. Create a graph, flow-chart, or chart that describes a process in this topic.
  3. What scientific concept that we are learning about could have helped the characters in the most recent story you read? How?
  4. Create a tool (frayer model, pictograph, chart, etc.) to help others understand the professional language in this article.
  5. Create a picture dictionary of all major vocabulary in this unit of study. When possible, include examples. If the task is large, split the vocabulary with a partner and share the work in Google Slides.
  6. Take three words from this unit of study. Break them up into their prefix, root, and suffix. Define each part of each word and describe the words’ origins; i.e. geographic origin, cultural origin, scientist who first used the word, and how it was originally used.
  7. What would a specialist in _________ say about the relationship between _______ and ______ ?
  8. If __________ were a ___________ (disciplinarian), how would he/she have approached the problem?
  9. Rewrite the story from the perspective of the scientist, ________ _________.
  10. Pretend you are a specialist in __________ (scientific field) and use the evidence in the article/story to explain why __________ happened.
  11. Locate three scientific terms from the lesson. Write a letter to your little brother or sister that explains the words in a simple way.
  12. Report on a current event in __________ (discipline) that has something to do with your story either literally or metaphorically.