School to Careers


INTERNS I: ½ Year - ½ Credit; Full Year - 1 Credit

Prerequisite: Interview with Guidance Counselor to determine internship site.

Students must provide their own transportation. Students must be l6 years or older to participate.

This course will offer a community based learning experience for students that wish to gain skills in a particular career pathway . Students are paired with a mentor who will supervise their internship of a minimum of four (4) hours. The internship is unpaid. The mentor and Guidance Counselor will develop a Work Based learning Plan that evaluates the student’s performance. This evaluation and weekly time sheets make up the bulk of the student’s grade. This course may be taken for a full year for l credit or a half-year for ½ credit.


WKEXP - 1 Credit – Full year

WKEXP - S1 - ½ Credit – Half year

Prerequisite: Interview with the Guidance Counselor to determine work site.

Students must provide their own transportation. Work permit is necessary if student is under 18 years of age. Students must be 16 years of older to participate.

Students in this program will learn the basic skills and training needed to succeed in a chosen work environment. They will work with an adult supervisor who will provide the necessary support to work at least four (4) hours in a community based work site. This is a paid work experience. The supervisor and the Guidance Counselor develop a Work Based learning Plan that evaluates the student’s performance. This evaluation, with weekly time sheets, make up the bulk of the student’s grade.

Participation in these community based programs is open to enrolled students of Nauset Regional High School regardless of race, color, sex, religion or natural origin.