UB Leiden

15 February 2018

Andreas Weber (UT) / Lise Stork (UL) / Marti Huetink (Brill)

In this short MONK session we will label and transcribe parts of the field diary of Pieter van Oort (1804-1834). Van Oort, born in 1804 in Utrecht, left for the Netherlands Indies in the 1820s. During his almost ten years’ stay in Indonesia, he produced hundreds of stunning drawings of birds, insects, and other animals for the members of the Natuurkundige Commissie voor Nederlands Indië (Committee for Natural History of the Netherlands Indies). Next to drawings, Van Oort also wrote a voluminous diary in which he documented his daily activities as traveller and draftsman. In our session today, we will transcribe a couple of pages of this diary (excercise I) and label some words with the MONK system (excercise II). The session will be concluded with a short discussion of how the transcriptions and labels sum up to a fully disclosed and searchable archive.

2. Exercise I: Transcribe lines (10 minutes);

The aim is to get a feeling for Van Oort handwriting. Transcribe the line, click on the butten 'save', and then on the button 'next line' which allows you to continue with your transcription. For a video see here.

Mhugen, 230 (1 maart 1833)

Jmbil, 244 (11 maart 1833)

Bteunissen, 249 (5 april 1833)

edewilde, p. 253 (1 april 1833)

lvicente, p. 253 (5 april 1833)

rdsouza, p. 259 (6 april 1833)

mcalabrese, p. 272 (8 april 1833)

mdondorp, p. 275 (20 april 1833)

mdewindt, p. 276 (21 april 1833)

htevelde, p. 281 (23 april 1833)

Jwirken, p. 283 (24 april 1833)

Dlabrijn, p. 290 (25 april 1833), ignore the marginalia

Hfeest, p. 290 (26 april 1833)

Jfongers, p. 292 (28 april 1833)

Navdmark, p. 294 (29 april 1833)

Nvandenberg, p. 295 (16 mei 1833)

Rvlijm, p. 297 (17 juni 1833)

Fmeier, p. 299 (21 juni 1833)

3. Exercise III: Label words (20 minutes)

Aim of this excercise is to train MONK's ability to read Van Oort's handwriting. You can move the green bar on the left, by clicking on the empty space before a new word starts. For a video tutorial see here. Keep the following things in mind:

  • label what you see
  • if you are not able to recognize the word, don't label it!

Mhugen, 230 (1 maart 1833)

Jmbil, 244 (11 maart 1833)

Bteunissen, 249 (5 april 1833)

edewilde, p. 253 (1 april 1833)

lvicente, p. 253 (5 april 1833)

rdsouza, p. 259 (6 april 1833)

mcalabrese, p. 272 (8 april 1833)

mdondorp, p. 275 (20 april 1833)

mdewindt, p. 276 (21 april 1833)

htevelde, p. 281 (23 april 1833)

Jwirken, p. 283 (24 april 1833)

Dlabrijn, p. 290 (25 april 1833), ignore the marginalia, focus on main text

Hfeest, p. 290 (26 april 1833)

Jfongers, p. 292 (28 april 1833)

Navdmark, p. 294 (29 april 1833)

Nvandenberg, p. 295 (16 mei 1833)

Rvlijm, p. 297 (17 juni 1833)

Fmeier, p. 299 (21 juni 1833)

Output: Searchable Archive, for prototype of search engine ...

click here.