Short and long papers
All paper submissions need to be in English and carefully checked for correct spelling and grammar. For an overview of the conference topics please see the CfP here.
The conference aims at showcasing and discussing finished and original research in the field of digitized archives and natural and cultural heritage collections. Each paper should therefore clearly state the domain to which its technical/scientific or socio-technical solution is applicable. Moroever, each paper should rigerously document its methods and explain results and possible benefits for the field.
In order to support the double-blind peer-review process, please avoid references to any of the authors (including personal details) in the paper. Please also avoid to disclose the identity of authors (also by reference) in the acknowledgement section of your paper.
All papers will be reviewed according to the following criteria: domain relevance, originality, technical quality, significance and presentation.
Please only submit papers which are based on original research.
Authors are advised to read in particular section 3 of the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity published by The Association of Universities in the Netherlands in 2018. It is important to note that submissions do not substantially entail work that has been published elsewhere or is simultanously submitted to a journal or another conference with proceedings. Submissions which contain any form of plagiarism will be rejected without review.
All paper submission should follow the instructions and templates provided here. After the submission has been successfully completed, authors will recieve an automatic confirmation e-mail.
All papers need to be submitted through the EasyChair submission platform here.
Submission formats:
Long papers with 10 to 12 pages (min. 10 pages, max. 12 pages, including references).
Short papers with 5 to 9 pages (min. 5 pages, max. 9 pages, including references).
Next to regular conference papers, we would like to showcase new and ongoing research projects in the field of digital natural and cultural heritage. Here is how we would like to proceed:
Please let us ( and know whether you would you would like to present your project during the conference by November 10!
After having had contact with us, please record a short presentation (max. 8 minutes) about your project and email your presentation to us. In order to help you with this we have prepared instructions how you can record your presentation with powerpoint. Click here to access and download the instructions.
Please send us your presentation by 15 November 2020!
We very much look forward to hear about your exciting work which will be presented and discussed during the DEMO LABS!