
[concordancia / agreement]

When do I use them?

To describe things, of course!

  • Her teal hair was incredible.

  • The test was unfair.

When do I learn them?

-Originally learned in: Spanish I

-Revisited in: all levels

Before jumping into the subtopics:

Check out your vocab list. See the little word in front of the noun? That is an article, and that word is SUPER important when it comes to adjective agreement since that word alone contains all the clues you need!

Here's what you need to know first:

DEFINITE articles (the small words that mean "the")

  • el = the (before a masculine, singular noun)

  • la = the (before a feminine, singular noun)

  • los = the (before a masculine, plural noun)

  • las = the (before a feminine , plural noun)

INDEFINITE articles (the small words that mean "a / an")

  • un = the (before a masculine, singular noun)

  • una = the (before a feminine, singular noun)

  • unos = the (before a masculine, plural noun)

  • unas = the (before a feminine , plural noun)

**Make sure you have memorized what article appears before the nouns on your list**

s u b t o p i c s

{Adjective agreement]