mandatos Formales

[Ud. & Uds.]

When do I use them?

Formal commands are used when you want to tell someone or a group of people what to do or what not to do. Formal commands are used with Ud. and Uds. subjects.

  • Miss Walter, give me a higher grade.

  • (When speaking to a stranger): Stop looking at me like that!

When do I learn them?

-Originally learned in: Spanish III

-May be reviewed in: Spanish IV, Spanish V, APSLang

Basic info:

Regardless of whether you are telling someone to DO something (affirmative command) or to NOT DO something (negative command), the conjugation is the same.

These commands are the same as the present subjunctive conjugations.

What if i'm writing a command with a pronoun?

AFFIRMATIVE COMMAND (when you're telling someone to DO something):

  • Attach the pronoun to the end of the affirmative command

  • Add an accent on the 3rd vowel back (from the end of the verb)

    • ¡Lávese! ¡Despiértense! ¡Pónganse!

NEGATIVE COMMAND (when you're telling someone NOT to do something):

  • Put the pronoun between the "no" and the command

    • ¡No se lave! ¡No se despierten! ¡No se pongan! ¡No los abran!

online practice

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