Verbos como "gustar"

When do I use them?

These sentences are almost read backwards. When you say something like "Me gustan los perros," you are literally saying "Dogs are pleasing to me." They require an indirect object pronoun and a verb in each scenario.

When do I learn them?

-Originally learned in: Spanish I

-Revisited in: Spanish II - Spanish V/APSLang

list of verbs like "gustar"

aburrir - to bore fastidiar - to annoy

caerse bien/mal - to get along well/poorly gustar - to like

disgustar - to upset importar - to matter / be important

doler - to hurt interesar - to interest

encantar - love molestar - to bother

hacer falta - to miss / need preocupar - to worry

faltar - to lack quedar - to be left over / to fit (clothing)

fascinar - to fascinate sorprender - to surprise

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