
When do I use them?

You will use the progressive tense (estar + a gerund) when you want to use the equivalent of saying -ing in English.

  • She is sleeping in class.

  • They were running down the court.

When do I learn them?

-Originally learned in: Spanish I

-May be revisited in: Spanish II - Spanish V/APSLang

Basic info:

All progressive tenses are always formed the same way, and each conjugation contains two words. For what it means, return to "When do I use it?" above.

The verb "estar" will usually be conjugated in the present or imperfect tense (seen below).


There is a handful of irregular gerunds that you need to be aware of. Check the out below!

stem changing

Dormir --> durmiendo


Morir --> muriendo


Pedir --> pidiendo

[asking / ordering]

Seguir --> siguiendo

[following / continuing]

Servir --> sirviendo


Change to "y"

Creer --> creyendo


Ir --> yendo


Leer --> leyendo


Oír --> oyendo


Traer --> trayendo


online practice

Conjugation practice on