Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


What is Induction?

Induction is a 2-year program, approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC), offered to clear preliminary California teaching credentials.  Induction programs provide on-site, job embedded mentoring to support growth in the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTPs). The focus of induction is on mentoring and support and begins the first year of teaching.  


Who is eligible for Napa County Teacher induction Program?

Teachers holding a valid, active preliminary teaching credential (General Education and Education Specialists), and are employed part or full time as a teacher of record in Napa County. If you have questions about the status of your California credential(s) or the renewal requirements, please visit to view your credential information.


When does induction take place?

The induction year runs from late August to May.  New cohorts begin in the Fall of each academic year.   Please reference our calendar of sessions for exact dates.

When is the cutoff for registering for the Napa County Teacher Induction program?

The enrollment period for induction closes on October 1st of the participating year. 

How do I enroll in Induction?

If eligible, your employer’s Human Resources department will provide you with a welcome packet, including:

        Welcome Letter

        Candidate Application for enrollment

        Informational Flyer

        Calendar of Induction Sessions

If employed by a private school site, please reach out to Program Manager, Ron Eick,  at



What does the Napa County Teacher Induction Program provide?

        On-site, job embedded support from a skilled mentor

        Opportunity to engage in meaningful inquiry related to your teaching assignment

        Non-evaluative and confidential relationship with a program mentor

        Collegial connections with a community of educators

        Strategic and self-selected professional development to promote growth in the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTPs)

        Release time to observe and collaborate with experienced educators

        Guidance toward completion of all Professional Clear Credential requirements



What are the requirements for completion?

  Meet weekly with your assigned mentor

  Record and collect evidence of growth in the California Standards for the Teaching Profession through inquiry, observation, and self-assessment on the Individual Learning Plan

      Complete a successful Exit Interview at the end of the program



How am I assigned a mentor?

Induction program staff works with the employer and site supervisory staff to collaborate on the most effective mentor match. Several factors are considered, including:

  Candidate and mentor assigned on the same site

  Candidate/mentor credential match

  Mentor understanding of candidate assignment/context

      Mentor capacity to offer regular on-site support

If a candidate has a preferred mentor match, they may share this interest with staff for consideration. Mentor matches are made within 30 days of candidate enrollment to insure appropriate support. If a mentor match is not ideal, either candidate or mentor may initiate file a grievance for review. The grievance policy, procedures, and form are provided on page 25 of the induction handbook.


I participated in Induction before but did not complete the program, what do I do?

You will need to contact the program you were previously enrolled in to obtain a letter of verification detailing the completed components of the program. This record should be shared with our Program Assistant, Lambert Chambers-Hernandez at, and submitted with your application for enrollment.