

Fully prioritise your NQ course and ensure you dedicate appropriate time and manage this well to prepare, complete tasks and assessments in the allocated times given to do so.  It is a full time programme that we would expect you to use your time when not timetabled in class to continue to focus fully on your studies in order to be ultimately successful on your course.

Demonstrate a positive attitude to learning - you should look forward and be willing to learning new ideas and concepts to help you enhance your understanding as both a student and in sports coaching/ sports development

Attendance and punctuality – it is essential that you are consistently on time and in attendance both online and in college when asked to do so.  Any issues with these will be acted upon following college disciplinary procedures

Submission of coursework –Please ensure you take pride in the quality of your submission (always submitted on time) and we would encourage that any student requiring additional support please be pro-active in liaising with our learning support section to have this organised as soon as possible for them to do so.  All assessments will be submitted through MyCity (COGC intranet) this year.

 Also, plagiarism will not be tolerated and will automatically invoke disciplinary action

Course support – your class will have their own guidance tutor who you should liaise with regularly to ensure you are progressing well on the course and discuss any personal difficulties you may be having confidentially.  The college also has Student Advisors (profiles outlined previously), that you can also contact for increased personal support.

This is only a summary of our expectations, please ensure you read our Student Code of Conduct to make sure you are fully aware of our department rules and regulations.

Additional information for NQ sport coaching students:

Payment of course fees – your college fees for the years are normally paid for you through either bursary or EMA funding.  However, you are required to apply for this asap should you not have already done so.  Please contact our Student Services section directly for further information in this area.

Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) – in order for you to work in the community representing our sports coaching department, it is mandatory for you to go through the PVG process.  This is a criminal background check that will require you to complete an application form, that we will provide you with as well as you supplying additional personal identification documents to verify your identity.

Practical sports kit – all sports coaching students will be expected to wear sports kit both during practical classes at the college and also when working in the community representing our department.  Your kit will normally be paid via Bursary/ EMA funding however if you do not qualify for either of these you may be asked to purchase this personally.  Further information on applying for your kit will be given at induction.

NGB qualifications – we are hopeful that we may be able to offer some NGB sporting qualification internally, however we would expect that you pro-actively pursue qualifications within your sport to allow you to become more employable and potentially assist with applying for university

Links with industry – not only should you attempt to undertake additional sporting qualifications, you should also try to develop your personal network of contacts within the sport and leisure industry by undertaking relevant work placement/ events and any other opportunities offered that may be of benefit to you longer term.


When you come to college for your induction, the lecturers will help you select the correct size of uniform. 

If you are studying an HN course, you will be issued with a form to complete for you to order directly from the supplier. Your order should be placed when you receive your first SAAS payment. 

If you are studying an NQ course, you will be issued a form to complete your order which you hand back to the lecturers and will be passed to student funding for the bursary team to order for you. 

Uniforms will arrive in college and be issued by your lecturer. 

Please ensure all order forms are completed/orders placed by the end of September.