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Scholars’ is our licensed training restaurant located on the ground floor of our City campus on Cathedral Street.
The restaurant is open to the public and operates as part of the course programme for students who are working, or who anticipate working within the Hospitality Industry. The quality of food and restaurant experience is excellent quality at a very accessible price.
The Bistro is located on the first floor and is an informal self-service food outlet. The food is prepared and served by students who study on Events, Food & Hospitality courses. We have filled homemade rolls at break times and a selection of dishes during lunchtime.
It is open to students, staff and visitors to the college.
City Market is located on the Ground Floor of City Campus and is accessed directly from Cathedral St or internally from the ground floor corridor.
Open Monday to Friday serving a range of breakfast rolls, hot drinks, soft drinks, cakes, patisserie, savoury pastries, soups, sandwiches and breads.
As a regular part of their coursework students create a range of cakes, scones pastries, bread and rolls for the City Market Bakery which has proved to be very popular with members of the public and a welcome addition to Cathedral Street.