
School Counseling

School Counselors and Student Success Coaches are advocates for students to receive the most effective and appropriate resources, support, and interventions available, in order to optimize student success.

*We are authentic and sincere in our work with students, parents, staff, the community, and all stakeholders.

*We provide ongoing support and monitoring for student achievement and success.

*We ensure that equitable services and support are provided for all students.

The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) recommends a 250-to-1 ratio of students to school counselors.

Reach Higher POLK

Annual College and Career Week

•All Polk district schools (K-12) highlight and promote College and Career Awareness for a designated week throughout the entire school campus.

•The School Counseling Department organizes the activities and events for their respective school.

Making a positive, caring connection with students is essential to building hope, creating change, and impacting success.

Community Service!

Students identify a social problem that interests him/her, then develop a plan of personal involvement in addressing the problem. Students may begin earning hours towards high school recognition immediately after completing middle school!

Success begins with


By 6th grade, absenteeism is one of three signs that a student may drop out of high school.

By 9th grade, regular and high attendance is a better predictor of graduation rates than 8th grade test scores.

Students who miss as little as two days a month are at risk of not graduating from high school.

“Evidence is growing that students who fall off track during the freshman year have very low odds of earning a high school diploma. Indeed, analysis of the progression of students through high school suggests that approximately one-third of the nation’s recent high school dropouts never were promoted beyond ninth grade.”

~Ruth Curran Neild

Student Success Coaches:

A Student Success Coach works hand in hand with school counselors, parents/guardians, social workers and administrative staff in Polk County schools. Once the success coach identifies an at- risk student they will work one on one with the student, collaborate with the schools early warning team and involve the community for assistance with the student. The ultimate goal is to bring the at-risk student to graduation with their high school cohort. Student Success Coaches provide support through data analysis and management, staff collaboration, and individualized student support.

Course Completion

Secondary School Counseling District Team

Dr. Laquieria Nottage, Senior Coordinator

Monique Byrd, District Resource Specialist Trainer

Jim Miles Professional Development Center

5204 US Hwy 98 S

Lakeland, FL 33812

(Office) 863.519.8197

(Fax) 863. 647.4708