2023-2024 Students of The Month

May 2024 Students of the Month!

 Jazmin Cervantes - 9th Grade Recipient

Jazmin was honored to be chosen for SAS Student of the Month. Wrapping up her first year, Jazmin, who attended Charles Drew Middle School, has found that her favorite subject this year is her English class, where she feels like she can dig deeper into topics that interest her. Outside of school, she enjoys reading, listening to music, spending time with family, as well as being a member of the Red Cross. Jazmin's favorite part about being in SAS so far has been it's challenging coursework and supportive nature, and to anyone interested in the program, she would say to establish good habits, but to jump right in. 

Jazmin was nominated for her Excellent Academic Achievement, Best Attitude, and Best Participation

"Jazmin is always ready to learn and she does her work above and beyond the standard." -Mrs. Cheng

  Marin Marnani- 10th Grade Recipient

Marin, like most, was honored to be chosen for SAS Student of the Month. Marin attended Dana Middle School, and her favorite subject this year has been her Honors Chemistry course due to her love for science. Outside of the classroom, Marin likes to play the piano, practice jiu jitsu, play soccer, as well as video games. Her favorite part about being in SAS is its challenges, that while difficult, are accomplishable. To those interested in the program, Marin would advise you to develop good work habits. 

Marin was nominated for her Excellent Academic Achievement and Best Participation by Mrs. Bruhnke, who said, "Marin is a dedicated and responsible student who really put the time in to be ready for class and the AP Exam. I also appreciate her willingness to participate and her intellectual curiosity!"

 Hannah Cresswell - 11th Grade Recipient

Hannah was extremely grateful to be chosen for SAS Student of the Month. Having attended Holy Trinity, Hannah is going into her senior year, with her favorite class this year being AP Psychology, where she enjoyed learning and understanding the motivations behind everyone's actions. Hannah enjoys traveling, being a part of clubs, as well as going horseback riding. Her favorite part about SAS is it's tight-knit community of students and teachers, and she would recommend to those interested to stay on top of your coursework and to maintain a positive mindset. 

Hannah was nominated for her Excellent Academic Achievement.

"Hannah is a top performing student who regularly aces tests in AP Psych. I can't wait to see her AP Exam score!" -Mrs. Bruhnke                      

 Jahliyah Johnson - 12th Grade Recipient

Jahliyah, as a graduating senior, felt recognized for her hard work when she was told she had been chosen for Student of the Month. Jah, who attended Dodson Middle school, has said that her favorite class this year has been AP Literature as well as AP Government, equally, due to the teachers for these classes, who create a fun and engaging environment. In her free time, Jahliyah enjoys creative writing, cooking, roller skating, swimming, and making art. Her favorite part about being in SAS is the familiarity that it offers, and if she could give someone interested any advice, it would be to put work into yourself, try not to be perfect, but be the absolute best person you can be. 

Jahliyah was nominated for her Excellent Academic Achievement and Best Participation.

"Jah analyzes complex questions and issues with wonderful insight; her analytical skills lead to excellent test scores, particularly on FRQs. Trying to talk her into becoming a political Science Major, but she's not biting so far!"

April 2024 Students of the Month!

  Aide Franco - 9th Grade Recipient

When Aide found out she was chosen for SAS Student of the Month, she was surprised, but glad her efforts were being acknowledged. Aide attended Dana Middle School, and her favorite subject this year has been math, primarily due to her joy in it's challenging nature. Outside of school, she enjoys drawing, playing the guitar and bass. Aide's favorite part about being in SAS are the nice and welcoming teachers, and if she could give someone interested in the program advice, it would be to take advantage of their time in the sense of classes, and to pay attention and get to know your peers and teachers. 

Aide was nominated  for her Excellent Academic Achievement and Best Attitude.

"Aide always does her work conscientiously. She has consistently topped all the Quarter exams. She is a group leader and a team player in lab activities." -Mrs. Cheng

Kendall Ethridge - 10th Grade Recipient

Kendall, in light of being chosen for SAS Student of the Month, was both grateful and excited. Kendall attended Dana Middle School, and this year, her favorite course was AP World History, due to it's fascinating content, and also due to her drive to understand "why things are the way they are." Outside of school, Kendall enjoys playing volleyball, as well as beach volleyball, hanging out with friends, listening to music, and reading.  Her favorite part about being in SAS is the fact that she is surrounded by like minded people, and if she could give someone interested in the program any advice, it would be to manage your time well, and always ask for help when you need it.  

Kendall was nominated for her Excellent Academic Achievement and Best Attitude.

"Kendall is an outstanding student who recently wrote  one of the best essays I've read. In addition, she is kind,  friendly, and a joy to have in class!" -Mrs. Bruhnke

Astrid Aguilera - 11th Grade Recipient

Astrid was very honored to be chosen for SAS Student of the Month, as well as thankful that her hard work and attitude has allowed her to be recognized. Astrid attended Dodson Middle School, and her favorite class this year has been AP Psychology, a class she finds so incredibly interesting, from psychological disorders to social psychology, that it is difficult for her to put it into words. In her free time, Astrid enjoys volunteering for various clubs, as well as being a part of her board's district's Student Advisory Council, which has been helping to tackle mental health issues. Her favorite part about being in SAS is the abundance of like minded people, and to those interested, Astrid recommends that you build strong connections and create bonds that will make your high school experience more enjoyable. 

Astrid was  nominated for her Excellent Academic  Achievement, Best Attitude, and Best Participation.

"Astrid shows intelligence, perseverance and cooperation. She has mastered the Big Topics in AP Environmental Science and has performed labs  diligently. She's an all around excellent student." -Mrs. Cheng

 Zuri Hay  - 12th Grade Recipient

Zuri was both excited and  surprised to be chosen for SAS Student of the Month. After attending Dana Middle School, Zuri has continued her pursuit of education in SAS, with AP Psychology being her favorite class this year due to its fascinating material. Outside of school, Zuri enjoys Youth and Government, protesting, and going to concerts. Her favorite part about being in SAS is it's interesting and instructive courses, as well as  the program's large focus on AP's. If she could provide any advice to someone interested in the program, she would recommend effective time management, and to pick classes that you are interested in. 

Zuri was nominated by two teachers for her Excellent Academic  Achievement, Best  Attitude, and Best Participation.

"Zuri excelled in class since day one. She consistently does her work in class. She is also a leader and a team player. She always arrives in class ready to learn." -Mrs. Cheng

"Zuri is an excellent student who has mastered the  content in class.  She asks good questions and I appreciate that she is an active participant in class discussions." -Mrs. Bruhnke

March 2024 Students of the Month!

 Karen Hamachi  - 9th Grade Recipient

Karen was pleasantly surprised to be chosen for SAS Student of the Month. Karen attended Dana Middle School, and her favorite subject this year has been her math class because of her teacher's ability to create a fun environment. In her free time, she enjoys playing soccer and spending time with her dog. Her favorite part about being in SAS is how most of her classmates will also be in her classes next year. If she could give any advice to someone interested in the program, she would say to study hard and push yourself for greatness.    

Karen was nominated for Excellent Academic Achievement and Most Improved Student by Mrs. Kim who said, "Karen is a high achieving, self motivated, and hard working student with an open mind set." 

   Molly Fisher - 10th Grade Recipient

When Molly found out she was chosen for SAS Student of the Month, she was thankful to be chosen for this honor. She attended Dana Middle School, and this year, her favorite subject has been her English class, due to her natural interest in the subject, but also the deep conversations and discussions that they have. Molly enjoys Cross Country and Track, as well as listening to music and reading. Her favorite part about being in SAS is it's preparatory and supportive nature, and if she could give anyone interested in SAS some advice, she would say to use your best time management. 

Molly was nominated for Excellent Academic Achievement and Best Attitude.

"Molly has a super attitude! She always comes in with a smile on her face, ready to learn. She works hard and has demonstrated quick understanding of the content and skills. Thanks for the smiles, Molly!" -Mrs. Bruhnke

   Lina Cardenas - 11th Grade Recipient

When Lina found out she was chosen for SAS Student of the Month, she was equally grateful and happy.  Lina attended Dodson Middle School, and her favorite subject this year is Honors Algebra II, because of her great teacher who makes learning engaging and fun. In her free time, she enjoys reading and listening to music as well as going to places and doing things with my family. Lina's favorite part about being in SAS is it's ability to help you grow as a student.  If she could give anyone interested in the program advice, she would tell them to make sure you plan your time and participate to the best of your abilities. 

Lina was nominated for her Excellent Academic Achievement by Ms. Patapoff, who said "Lina always comes to class well prepared and works incredibly hard in class while always being polite and respectful." 

   Sophia Castellanos - 12th Grade Recipient

Sophia's reaction to be chosen for SAS Student of the Month was one of gratitude and joy.  She attended Dana Middle School, and her favorite subject this year is Precalculus, because it is interesting and challenging coursework. In her free time, Sophia enjoys reading comics, watching movies, and hanging out with friends. Her favorite part about SAS is the abundance of opportunities, and if she could give anyone interested in the program advice, she would say to put your all into it, and never procrastinate. 

Sophia was nominated by Ms. Bruhnke for Excellent Academic Achievement. 

"Sophia is an all-around outstanding student! She is always well prepared, participatory and excels on exams! She is also a nice, trustworthy, good person." -Mrs. Bruhnke

February 2024 Students of the Month!

  Braelynn Lawson - 9th Grade Recipient

Braelynn was happy, but also proud to be chosen for SAS Student of the Month. Braelynn attended Dana Middle School, and is in her first year of SAS. Her favorite subject this year has been Honors English, both because it isn't terribly difficult for her, but that the teacher, Ms. Early, makes learning fun. While not currently involved in any high school extracurriculars, Braelynn hopes to join Pirate Dancers. Her favorite part about being in SAS is that she feels like she's not going it alone, and that support is always available. If she could give advice to someone interested in the SAS program, it would be to practice effective time management, and to stay on top of all the work. 

Braelynn was nominated for Best Academic Achievement, Best Participation and Best Attitude.

"Braelynn is academically excelling in Honors Biology. She always comes to class ready and prepared to participate in activities and does her work diligently" -Mrs. Cheng

  Eileen Kim - 10th Grade Recipient

Eileen was both surprised and grateful to be chosen for SAS Student of the Month. Eileen was home schooled during middle school, and her favorite subjects this year are Physics and AP World History, because they are interesting and challenging. Eileen is involved in many extracurricular activities, such as Running Track and playing Tennis. Her favorite part about being in SAS is the caring teachers and future opportunities, and if she could give any advice to someone interested in joining SAS, it would be to try your best in everything you do. 

"Eileen is an outstanding student performing well in all aspects of class. The way that she seeks challenge and is able to consistently perform well is exemplary." -Mr. Salceda

"Eileen is a true joy to have in class! She not only displays quick understanding of the material, but she shows a great attitude and her participation is much appreciated!" -Mrs. Bruhnke

Eileen was nominated for her Excellent Academic Achievement, Best Attitude, and Best Participation

  Andreana Noss- 11th Grade Recipient

When Andreana found out she was chosen for SAS Student of the Month, she was a little shocked, but was happy to be chosen. Andreana attended San Jose Charter Academy prior to coming to SPHS, and her favorite subject this year being AP US History because of it's interesting coursework. Her favorite extracurricular activities are Volleyball, hanging out with friends, and going on walks. Andreana's favorite part about being in SAS is its preparatory nature, and her advice for someone interested in SAS, would be to tell them to focus on time management, and build strong relationships. 

"Andreana excels in both hands on laboratory and science analysis. She embodies a student who is intelligent, persevering, and diligent." -Mrs. Cheng

Andreana was nominated for Best Attitude, Best Participation, and Excellent Academic Achievement.

January 2024 Students of the Month!

  Leiloni Neal - 9th Grade Recipient

Leiloni's discovery of being chosen for SAS Student of the Month left her honored, and more motivated to work hard.  Leiloni attended Curtiss Middle School, and her favorite subject this year is English, because she really enjoys the subject. Outside of her classes, Leiloni likes to play Volleyball, as well as run track. Leiloni's favorite part about being in SAS is it's preparatory nature for college and her future in general.  If she could give any advice to someone interested in the program, it would be to stay on top of work, and to work hard. 

Leiloni was nominated for Excellent Academic Achievement and Best Attitude.

"Leiloni's friendly and respectful demeanor creates a positive atmosphere to 2nd period! She bring energy to class discussions and comes to class eager and prepared to learn everyday. She’s awesome!" ~Ms. Early

 Phoebe Guerrero - 10th Grade Recipient

Phoebe was surprised and honored to be chosen for SAS Student of the Month.  Phoebe attended Dana Middle School, and is now in her second year of SAS, with her favorite class being AP World History because she finds the material very interesting, and the environment friendly. Phoebe enjoys reading books, as well as watching anime in her free time.  Her favorite part about SAS is the supportive community, and if she could give advice to anyone interested in joining the program, she would say to try your best and not slack off.  

Phoebe was nominated for her Excellent Academic Achievement by Ms. Bruhnke who said, "Phoebe is focused and participatory in class, showing quick understanding of the material.  Recently, she got a near-perfect score on a AP World Unit Exam - that's practically unheard of!!!"

 Jaden Montrose - 11th Grade Recipient

Jaden was honored and appreciative to be chosen for SAS Student of the Month. Attending Dodson Middle School, she is now in her third year of SAS, where her favorite subject has been math due to her great teacher and challenging coursework. In her free time, Jaden enjoys Girl Scouts and reading.  Her favorite part of SAS is how it challenges her to be stronger, and if she could provide any advice to those interested, she would say to stay organized and ask questions.  

Jaden was nominated for her Excellent Academic Achievement.

"Jaden is an outstanding student of English. She not only increased her MOY (middle of the year) iREADY English scores by 100 points, she scored the highest in all of my English classes and scored at the 12th grade level. She is awesome!" -Ms. Hoffman

Racquel Loy - 12th Grade Recipient

Racquel was very honored to be chosen for SAS Student of the Month. Racquel attended Dodson Middle School, and is in her last year of SAS.  Her favorite class this year has been Precalculus because she enjoys all of the material she has been learning.  Outside of school, Racquel enjoys working at Jersey Mikes.  Her favorite part about being in SAS is that it challenges her limits, but not to the extent where she becomes overstressed.  If she could give advice to those interested in the program, she would say to not be hesitant, as she was at first, because she has not regretted it for a second.  

Racquel was nominated for Best Participation by Mr. Salceda, who said, "Racquel is a remarkable student whose relentless pursuit of understanding Physics concepts by dedicating herself to the challenges put forth everyday is exemplary ." 

November 2023 Students of the Month!

 Alaina Tomaneng - 9th Grade Recipient

Alaina was surprised and happy to be chosen for SAS Student of the Month.  She attended Dodson Middle School, and her favorite course this year is AP Human Geography with Mrs. Patapoff because it is easy to connect it to real life.  Her favorite extracurriculars are marching band and competitive dance.  Alaina likes the many opportunities offered in the program, and if she could give any advice to those interested, she would say to practice effective time management. 

Alaina was nominated for her Excellent Academic Achievement, Best Attitude, and Best Participation.

"Alaina is consistently excelling in class since day 1. She's focused, a leader and a great team player." -Mrs. Cheng (Nominating Teacher)

 Finley Walters - 10th Grade Recipient

When Finley found out she was being recognized as Student of the Month, she was honored due to the amount of time she dedicates to the program.  Finley Attended Dana Middle School Magnet, and her favorite subject this year is mathematics because it always has a final answer.  Her favorite extracurricular is swimming for the Swim team.  Finley loves SAS' challenging nature, and if she could give advice to someone interested in the program, she would recommend to form a strong support group. 

Finley was nominated for her Excellent Academic Achievement, and Most Improved Student by Ms. Kim, who said, "Finley works hard to achieve her goals. She consistently demonstrated integrity, respect, and kindness towards her classmates and teachers. She has strong work ethic and she is willing to learn with an open mind." 

 Samantha Menzel - 11th Grade Recipient

Sammy was deeply honored to be chosen for SAS Student of the Month.  Sammy attended Christ Lutheran for Middle School, and is in her third year of SAS. Her favorite subject was split between Algebra 2 and AP United States History, as they are both intriguing classes. Outside of school, Sammy enjoys riding her bike, making music with friends, reading and playing sports. Sammy appreciates the support that fellow students and teachers create, and if she could give someone interested in the program advice, she would tell them to not be stressed out or overwork yourself, but to do your best.   

Sammy was nominated for her Excellent Academic Achievement and Best Attitude.

"Samantha is an intelligent, optimistic, and persevering student.  She has demonstrated a deep understanding of complex concepts and the ability to apply them in practical situations.  She comes into class with positive attitude and big smile every day. She collaborates well with her peers." -Mrs. Kim

 Vios Lopez - 12th Grade Recipient

Grateful and heard are the words Vios used to describe how he felt about getting picked for Student of the Month.  His favorite subject this year has been AP Physics because it is extremely challenging and has helped him better understand the world around him.  Vios attended Dana Middle School, and is currently is his final year of SAS.  His favorite extracurricular activities are playing Water Polo, going to the gym, and eating Chipotle. His favorite part about being in SAS is its challenging nature, but that you have many opportunities, and lots of people to fall back on.  If he could give someone interested advice, he would tell them to go into it knowing their priorities. 

Vios was nominated for his Excellent Academic Achievement by Mr. Salceda, who said, "This award is presented in recognition of your exceptional understanding in Advanced Placement Physics. Your dedication, curiosity, and outstanding performance have not only set a high standard in academic achievement but also inspire those around you to explore the fascinating world of physics with passion and perseverance." 

October 2023 Students of the Month!

 Robert Jones - 9th Grade Recipient

Robert felt great about being chosen for SAS Student of the Month. He attended Holy Trinity for Middle School, and is in his first year of SAS. His favorite subject this year is Geometry, because he likes the teacher.  His favorite extracurriculars this year have been being on the water polo and swim teams.  His favorite part about SAS is the warm environment created between students and teachers.  If he could give anyone interested in SAS advice, he would say to work and study hard, but to just go for it! Robert was nominated for his Excellent Academic Achievement.

"Robert is a very dedicated young man. He works very hard to achieve his goals. I am happy Robert is in my class this year." -Mr. Sanchez

  Nicolas Bell- 10th Grade Recipient

Nicolas was ecstatic to be chosen for Student of the Month. He attended Dana Middle School Magnet, and his favorite subject this year is AP Physics, where he learns about the rules of the world around him. His favorite extracurricular activities are filming model trains, participating in Stellar Xplorers for his school, as well as being a member of the film crew for his local Church.  Nicolas likes how expansive SAS is, allowing you to challenge yourself, as well as grow both personally and mentally.  If he could give advice to someone interested in SAS, he would say to stay focused and keep track of your work.  

Nicolas was nominated by his AP World History teacher, Mrs. Bruhnke, for his Excellent Academic Achievement, Best Attitude, and Best Participation.

"Nick is a truly dedicated student who excels in class and is always looking to improve.  He has outstanding work habits and his participation in class is much appreciated." -Mrs. Bruhnke

   Jacob Gomez- 11th Grade Recipient

When Jake found out he was nominated for SAS Student of the Month, he was honored to be recognized, and proud of his abilities and hard work.  Jake attended Dodson Middle School, and his favorite subject this year is Math, as his teacher helps him to grow in a subject he has always gravitated towards.  His favorite extracurricular activities are watching and playing sports with friends, as well as playing the guitar.  His favorite part about SAS is all of the teachers, who make the program enjoyable and supportive.  If he could give any advice to someone interested in the program, it would be to make sure they put in the time and effort, as it will pay off in the long run.  

Jacob was nominated by his AP Environmental Science teacher, Mrs Cheng, for his Excellent Academic Achievement. 

"Jake is a great student. He is intelligent, analytic and focused on his studies." -Mrs. Cheng

  Destiny Patino - 12th Grade Recipient

Destiny was honored and delighted to be chosen for SAS Student of the Month.  Destiny attended Dodson Middle school, and is now a senior in SAS.  Her favorite subject this year is AP Psychology because of all the interesting and new topics she learns everyday.  Her favorite extracurricular activities are Youth and Government through the YMCA, as well as various clubs.  Destiny's favorite part about SAS is the challenging courses and support of all the teachers.  If she could give any advice to someone interested in joining SAS, it would be to belive in yourself, and take advantage of opportunities.  

Destiny was nominated by her AP Psychology teacher, Mrs. Bruhnke, for Excellent Academic Achievement, Best Attitude, and Best Participation.  

"Destiny is stuck with me 3 periods a day! She is an awesome contributor to SAS Leadership and to AP Psychology, and I appreciate all her hard work and dedication!" -Mrs. Bruhnke

September 2023 Students of the Month!

  Niko Seiple- 9th Grade Recipient

When Niko found out she was chosen for SAS Student of the Month, she felt great and honored. She attended Dana Middle School in the STEAM Magnet, and her favorite subject this year is math because it's the language of the universe. Niko is a member of the San Pedro Sailing Team, where she competes at the Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club.  In her free time, she enjoys baking, writing stories, and drawing.  Her favorite part about SAS is being around like-minded people, along with the helpful teachers.  If she could give any advice to someone interested in SAS, it would be to stay on top of their assignments, and to do their homework. 

Niko Was nominated by her Honors English teacher, Ms. Early, as well as her AP Human Geography teacher, Mrs. Patapoff.  She was nominated for her Best Attitude, Best Participation, and Excellent Academic Achievement.  

"Niko has earned Student of the Month thanks to the constant support she gives her classmates, her hilarious creative stories she shares, and the overall positive energy she brings to the classroom everyday.  We are lucky to have her in the SAS program!" -Ms. Early

"Niko is very intelligent and inquisitive. She has a friendly disposition and always works hard." -Mrs. Patapoff

  Dante Orozco - 10th Grade Recipient

Grateful and proud were Dante feelings  when he found out he was nominated for SAS Student of The Month. He attended Dana Middle School, and this year, his favorite subject is Geometry, because he enjoys the material and finds his teacher very helpful.  Dante also enjoys wrestling, and his favorite part of the SAS program is the people, whether they be students or teachers, as well as de-stress events that help him handle the year.  If he could give anyone interested in SAS some advice, it is to get on top of your summer homework, and to practice good time management, especially if you have a sport.  

Dante was nominated by his AP World History teacher, Mrs Bruhnke, for his excellent academic achievement and best attitude.  

"Dante is a true pleasure to have in class! He has a positive attitude, excels academically and participates positively. What a great kid! :)" -Mrs. Bruhnke

  Marcus Jeronymo - 11th Grade Recipient

When Marcus found out he was nominated for SAS Student of The Month, he felt honored to be chosen, and considered it a big accomplishment.  Marcus attended Dodson Middle School.  His favorite subject this year is Physics because of the labs and experiments that they do.  He enjoys working out, playing football, and hanging out with family.  His favorite part about being in SAS is that teachers really care about your success, and feel like they want to teach you, truly preparing you for difficult exams in AP classes.  If he could give some advice to anyone interested in SAS, he would say to avoid procrastination, and to challenge themselves to the best of their ability.  

Marcus was nominated by his AP Language teacher, Ms. Hoffman.  He was nominated for his Excellent Academic Achievement.

"His thinking and completed assignments are definitely stronger after he asked me what he could to do improve." -Ms. Hoffman

 Denis Mardesich - 12th Grade Recipient

Denis was happy to be recognized as a dedicated student when he found out he was nominated for SAS Student of the Month. Denis went to Dana Middle School, and his favorite subject this year has been AP Psychology, because it allows him to explore a course that feels different from the standards of other classes.  In his free time, he enjoys reading, photography, and cooking.  Denis enjoys being in SAS because it allows him to take difficult classes, and how as a whole the program has prepared him in his journey as a student going into college.  If he could give any advice to someone interested in the program, it would be to understand that you are making a commitment to a hard curriculum, and to take support from your teachers and others.

Denis was nominated by his AP Government teacher, Mr. Bruhnke, as well as his AP Psychology teacher, Mrs. Bruhnke.  He was nominated for his excellent academic achievement.  

"Denis is a brilliant student and a pleasure to have in class.  He excels on exams and I appreciate his participation in class discussions." -Mrs. Bruhnke

"Denis is an exceptionally bright Social Studies student. In fact, he's only missed one question on each of our first two exams. That's basically unheard of!" -Mr. Bruhnke

Previous Years For Student of the Month