2022-2023 Students of The Month

May 2023 Students of the Month!

  Savannah Ryerson - 9th Grade Recipient

When Savannah heard that she was nominated for student of the month, she was both surprised and excited.  Savannah went to Dodson Middle School, and is at the end of her first year of SAS.  Her favorite subject this year was Honors Algebra 1, due to the environment and a general interest toward the subject.  Outside of school, she likes to read and listen to music.  The friendly people in SAS and challenging classes is her favorite part, and she would recommend that anyone interested in joining SAS should  study hard and do your homework.  

Savannah was nominated by her Honors Algebra 1 teacher, Mr. Sanchez. "Savannah has a great attitude when it comes to learning Algebra.  In addition she is always willing to take time off of her work to help other students.  I have enjoyed Working with Savannah this year."  Savannah was nominated for her excellent academic achievement.  

  Elias Flores - 10th Grade Recipient

Elias felt honored to be chosen for SAS Student of the Month, and that his hard work had paid off.  Coming from Dana Middle School, Elias is finishing his second year of SAS, with his favorite class being AP World History, because it is interesting to learn about the history of different societies.  His favorite extracurricular activity is Band.  The best part about being in SAS to him is the challenging classes, and he says that someone interested in joining SAS should turn work in on time and study for tests.  

Elias was nominated by his AP World History teacher, Mrs. Bruhnke.  Mrs. Bruhnke nominated Elias because "Elias is a top performer in AP World History.  He is always well prepared and excels on his exams.  Can't wait to see his AP Exam score!"  Elias was nominated for his Excellent Academic Achievement.  

 Eric Paulsen  - 11th Grade Recipient

When Eric found out he was Student of the Month for May, he was grateful, happy, and glad to be seen.  Eric went to Dodson Middle school, and is now wrapping up his third year of SAS.  This year, his favorite class was AP Psychology, because of it's interesting material and great teacher.  When he was asked what he liked about SAS, he said the competent learning environment, students and teachers. He suggests that someone interested in SAS should definitely take the first step and apply, if you want to challenge yourself academically.  Outside of school, Eric enjoys reading and playing video games.  

Eric was nominated by his AP Psychology teacher, Mrs. Bruhnke.  Mrs. Bruhnke nominated Eric because "he always comes to class with a positive attitude and desire to learn and participate.  He strives to improve and be his best self,  I am so proud of him."  Eric was nominated for Most Improved Student and Best Attitude.  

  Dylan Paras  - 12th Grade Recipient

Dylan was surprised to be chosen for SAS student of the month, but was grateful to be nominated.  He attended Dana Middle School, and is now ending his final year of SAS.  His favorite subject was AP Computer Science Principles, and enjoys running for both the Cross Country and Track and Field teams at San Pedro Highschool.   Outside of school, he likes hanging out with friends, which he has maintained throughout being in the SAS program, being  one of his favorite parts about it.  If he could give someone wanting to join SAS some advice, he would tell them that it isn't the easiest program, but is definitely doable with some time management.  

Dylan was nominated by his Government and Economics teacher, Mr. Bruhnke. "Dylan is a very conscientious student who obviously enjoys learning; he is a top performer on all assessments, and his positive attitude is much appreciated.  Dylan was nominated for Best Attitude and Excellent Academic Achievement.   

April 2023 Students of the Month!

  Phoebe Guerrero - 9th Grade Recipient

When Phoebe found out she was chosen for SAS Student of the Month, she felt surprised, but honored. Phoebe is in her first year of SAS, and attended Dana Middle School. Her favorite subject this year is her Math, because she loves the environment.  Her favorite extracurriculars are reading and writing short stories.  When asked what she likes about being in SAS, she said she likes the supportive teachers. If Phoebe could give advice to someone interested in joining SAS, she would advise them to not procrastinate too much, and to not be scared of a challenge.  

Phoebe was nominated by her English teacher, Ms. Early, as well as her AP Human Geography teacher, Mrs. Patapoff.  When asked why they nominated her, they said, "Not only is Phoebe a hard worker, she is a positive and kind member of our class! She brings a lot of energy to our class discussions", as well as that "Phoebe works diligently in my class and is very inquisitive," respectively.  Phoebe was nominated for her Excellent Academic Achievement, and Best Attitude.  

  Braydon Griffin - 10th Grade Recipient

When Braydon found out he was nominated for SAS Student of the month, he felt glad to be chosen, and felt that his hard work had paid off.  Braydon is in his second year of SAS, and attended Dodson Middle School. When asked what he likes about being in SAS, he said that he enjoys the events, such as De-stress Thursdays. His favorite subject this year is AP World History, because he finds that history of the entire world interesting.  His favorite extracurriculars are playing Basketball and Baseball.   If Braydon could give any advice to someone interested in joining SAS, he would say  to make sure to avoid procrastinating.  

Braydon was nominated by his Honors Algebra 2 teacher, Mrs. Kim, who said that "Braydon has shown excellent ability to set goals and be persistent in achieving them."  Braydon was nominated for Most Improved Student, and Best Attitude.  

Scarlett Barrios Ventura - 11th Grade Recipient

When Scarlett found out she was nominated for SAS Student of the Month, she felt grateful and honored to be chosen.  Scarlett attended Dana Middle School and is currently in her third year of SAS.  Her favorite subjects this year are Medical Terminology and AP Computer Science, because both illustrate their topics are "works of art".  Her favorite extracurricular activities are running, Martial Arts, skating, being an assistant Catechist.  When asked what she likes about being in SAS, she said that she likes the rigrous courses, and the large number of people with similar goals as her.  If she could give any advice to someone interested in joining SAS, she would tell them to stay on top of work, take notes, and make sure you get sleep.  

Scarlett was nominated by her AP US History teacher, Mrs. Patapoff.  When asked why she nominated her, she said that "Scarlett always goes above and beyond with her work, collaborates well with her peers, and always has a positive disposition."  Scarlett was nominated for her Excellent Academic Achievement.  

  Laura Viera - 12th Grade Recipient

When Laura found out she was nominated for SAS Student Of the Month, she felt very happy, and honored to be recognized for her performance.  She attended Dodson Middle School and is currently a senior in SAS.  When asked what she likes about being in SAS, she said that she enjoys the close relationships she has made with her peers, which help her with challenging, but rewarding, classes. While Laura likes all her classes, her favorite subject is AP Psychology, as the material is interesting, and can be applied in many situations.  Her favorite extracurriculars are participating in clubs, going places with friends and family, as well as  taking her dog to the beach.  If Laura could give any advice to someone interested in joining SAS, she would say to try your best, and just do it, as all the teachers try to help you succeed.  

Laura was nominated by her AP Psychology teacher, Mrs. Bruhnke.  When asked why she nominated her, she said that "Laura is an extremely dedicated student who always puts in her best work.  She is active in clubs and leadership and a super help as my TA.  Now, it's GO BEARS time!"  Laura was nominated for he Excellent Academic Achievement, as well as Best Attitude.  

March 2023 Students of the Month!

  Isabella Trigas - 9th Grade Recipient

When Isabella found out she had been chosen for SAS Student of the Month, she felt happy and appreciative.  Isabella went to Dodson Middle school, and her favorite subject this year is English because her teacher makes learning fun.  Her favorite extracurricular activities are playing the piano, dancing, and performing in Musical Theater.  When asked what she likes about being in SAS, she said that she enjoys the small class sizes and teachers.  If Isabella could give advice to anyone interested in joining SAS, it would be to not procrastinate and try to stay ahead of homework.  

Isabella was nominated by her Honors Biology teacher, Mrs. Cheng.  When asked why she nominated Isabella, she said that "Isabella is a diligent and respectful student in class."  She was nominated for her Excellent Academic Achievement.  

 Jack Butterfield - 10th Grade Recipient

When Jack found out he was nominated for SAS Student of the Month, he felt stoked to be recognized. Jack went to the Dana Middle School STEAM program, and currently, his favorite class is Mr. Patchell's riveting English class because there are so many twists and turns that he can hardly keep his head straight. His favorite extracurricular activity is juggling like a jester. His favorite part about being in SAS is getting to learn alongside his effervescent classmates. Jack's advice for incoming SAS students is that this program is a challenge but there's nothing you can’t do. 

Jack was nominated by his Honors English teacher, Mr. Patchell.  When asked why he nominated Jack, he said that he "takes more responsibility with work."  He was nominated for Most Improved Student.  

Katherine Ethridge - 11th Grade Recipient

When Katherine found out she was nominated for SAS Student of the Month, she felt proud and honored to be recognized.  Katherine is a Dana Middle School graduate, and her favorite subject this year is AP Environmental Science, because she enjoys learning about how humans and the environment interact.  Her favorite extracurricular activities are playing volleyball, hanging out with friends, and cooking.  When asked what she likes about being is SAS, she said that it offers a challenging curriculum with like minded people.  If Katherine could give someone who is interested in joining SAS, she would tell them to work hard, stay organized, and to not be afraid to ask for help from teachers or your classmates.  

Katherine was nominated by her AP Environmental Science teacher. When asked why she nominated Katherine, she said that "Katherine works hard to finish labs and reports consistently since day once."  She was nominated for her Excellent Academic Achievement.  

 Lorenzo Arevalo - 12th Grade Recipient

Lorenzo felt ecstatic when he found out he had been nominated for SAS Student of the Month!  Lorenzo attended Dodson Middle School, and is currently in his fourth year of SAS. AP Government is his favorite class this year because he enjoys learning about how the government and economy function. Lorenzo’s favorite extracurricular activities are the Environmental Advocacy Team, for which he is co-President, the National Honor Society, and gaming. What Lorenzo loves most about the SAS program is the challenging classes and the strong sense of camaraderie. If he could give any advice to incoming freshmen it would be to not be afraid to ask people for help, and don't forget to have fun.

Lorenzo was nominated by his AP Government teacher, Mr. Bruhnke who said, “Lorenzo has demonstrated a great work ethic, particularly when preparing for exams;  he also shows a joy of learning that is inspiring.” Lorenzo was nominated for his Excellent Academic Achievement and Best Attitude.

February 2023 Students of the Month!

  Megan Messner - 9th Grade Recipient

When Megan found out she was chosen for SAS Student of the Month, she felt honored and grateful for being chosen. She is in her first year of SAS, after attending Holy Trinity.  Megan's favorite subject is math, because of the material, as well as the teacher.  Her favorite extracurricular activity is playing soccer.  If Megan could give any advice to someone who is interested in joining SAS, she would say to not procrastinate because work can pile up.  

Megan was nominated by her Honors Geometry teacher, Mrs. Kim.  When asked why she nominated her, she said that "Megan has worked hard to achieve her goals for this class.  She came to school early in the morning to ask questions, and makes sure to correct any misconceptions she might have. She is a responsible, reliable, and persevering student.  Megan was nominated for her Excellent Academic Achievement, and Most Improved Student.  

 Ethan Duran - 10th Grade Recipient

When Ethan found out he had been nominated for SAS Student of the Month, he said that it felt awesome.  Ethan attended Mary Star of the Sea Middle School.  He is in his second year of SAS, and his favorite subject this year is AP World History because he enjoys learning about important events that happened in the past and the major impacts they have.  Ethan's favorite extracurricular activities are playing basketball, and going to club meetings.  What he loves most about the SAS program is it's variety of challenging and rigorous courses.  If he could give anyone who was interested in joining SAS advice, it would be to set your goals high, and to not give up till you reach them.  

Ethan was nominated by his AP World History teacher, Mrs. Bruhnke.  When asked why she nominated him, she said, "Ethan is a highly motivated student who is always ready to learn in class, and is excelling in 2 AP classes this year.  I appreciate his dedication and hard work!" Ethan was nominated for his Excellent Academic Achievement.  

  Alexis Williams - 11th Grade Recipient

When Alexis found out she was nominated for SAS Student of the month, she felt honored as well as surprised.  Alexis attended Christ Lutheran Middle School.  Alexis is in her third year of SAS, and her favorite subject is AP Psychology because of its interesting, fun material, and the challenge it poses in her class schedule.  Her favorite extracurriculars are hanging out with friends and participating in school clubs and activities.  What she loves most about being in SAS is the environment and challenging classes, that are also fun, but more so the great students and teachers.  If Alexis could give someone who is interested in joining SAS some advice, she would say that SAS is beneficial, with many great classes and opportunities that are manageable by staying on top of your work.  

Alexis was nominated for Excellent Academic Achievement and Best Attitude by her AP Psychology teacher, Mrs. Bruhnke, and her Honors Pre-Calculus teacher, Mrs. Kim.  When asked why they nominated her, Ms. B said that "Alexis is an outstanding student! She consistently earns top scores on exams, is always well prepared and clearly understands the material well.   I also appreciate how ready she is with a smile for her teachers and friends".  Ms. Kim described Alexis as "a reliable, responsible, and intelligent student that I can always rely on.  I really appreciate her growth mind set and her positive attitude.  She has good rapport with her peers."  

 Maya Prieto - 12th Grade Recipient

When Maya found out she was chosen for student of the month, she felt very grateful.  Maya attended Dodson Middle School, and her favorite class this year is AP Studio Art, which allows her to express her passion for creating.  Outside of school, Maya enjoys being a part of programs provided by Keystone and the Boys and Girls Club, as well as spending time with friends.  When asked what she loves most about SAS, Maya said she enjoys being able to share classes with the majority of her friends as a result of the program.  Maya's advice to someone interested in joining SAS is that it's best to stay on top of your work and do your best to not procrastinate.  She also advises to ask your teachers questions and seek our their help if needed because they want you to succeed.  

Maya Prieto was nominated by her AP Psychology and SAS Leadership teacher, Mrs. Bruhnke.  When asked why she nominated her, she said that "Maya is a joy to have in class!  She always has a positive attitude and shows true intellectual curiosity about the content.  It has been a pleasure to start (zero period) and end my day (6th period) with a smile from Maya!" Maya was nominated for her Excellent Academic Achievement, Best Attitude, and Best Participation.  

January 2023 Students of the Month!

 Nicolas Bell - 9th Grade Recipient

When Nicolas found out he was nominated for student of the month, he felt very honored and surprised that he was chosen, but happy.  Nicolas went to Dana Middle School, and his favorite subject this year is his math class because it challenges his mental capacity for learning.  Nicolas' favorite extracurriculars are  being on the Stellarxplorers rocket team, as well as being on the cameraman crew at his church.  When asked what he loves about being in SAS, he said that it challenges him to learn more and tests him with its rigorous courses.  If Nicolas could give any advice to someone interested in joining SAS, he would tell them that they should challenge themselves, and that SAS in an amazing program that will consistently test you and your capabilities.  

Nicolas was nominated by his Honors Algebra 1 teacher, Mr Sanchez.  He was nominated for his excellent academic achievement, as well as his amazing attitude.  After being asked why he chose to nominate Nicolas, he said that "Nicolas is very inquisitive and makes teaching a lot of fun.  I like his approach to challenging problems and he always has the best attitude.  I truly enjoy having him in class."

 Robert Jaminson - 10th Grade Recipient

When Robert found out he was nominated for Student of the Month, he was surprised and honored.   Robert attended Dana Middle School, and his favorite subject is AP World History, because it is teaching him an in depth history of the world, but also helps prepare him for the AP test, and future AP’s.  Outside of class, some of Robert's favorite extracurriculars are participating in various clubs and being mentored in the Red Cross Club.  Robert said that he loves the community and understanding that the SAS teachers create, making difficult courses a little easier.  Some advice that Robert would give to someone interested in joining SAS is to do your assignments, and make sure you really learn in all your classes.  

Robert was nominated by his AP World History teacher, Mrs. Bruhnke.  When asked about the nomination, she said that “Robert is an outstanding student!  He is always well prepared, engaged, and participatory.   I appreciate his depth of knowledge and his positive attitude!”  Robert was nominated for his excellent academic achievement, best attitude, and best participation. 

 Nikko Doughty - 11th Grade Recipient

When Nikko found out he was nominated for student of the month, he felt good, and that his hard work had paid off.  Nikko went to Dana Middle School, and his favorite subject is AP Environmental Science because it is fun and not too challenging.  Some of Nikko's favorite activities outside of class are the Rotary Club and the Relay for Life Club.  When asked what he likes about being in SAS, he said that he likes how everyone is in the same boat, which allows everyone to help each other out.  Some advice he would give to someone interested in joining SAS is to say on top of the work and to not let assignments pile up.  

Nikko was nominated by his AP Environmental Science teacher, Mrs. Cheng.  When asked why she nominated Nikko, she said "Nikko is academically excelling in class."  He was nominated for his excellent academic achievement.  

 Jaylin Couch - 12th Grade Recipient

When Jaylin found out she was nominated for Student of the Month, she felt very honored and surprised to be chosen. Jaylin went to Dana Middle School and is currently an SAS senior. Her favorite subject is Pre-Calculus because it gives her brain a challenge, like it’s a puzzle for her brain.  Jaylin’s favorite extracurricular activities are hanging out with her friends, working at the movies, as well as volunteering at church. What she really likes about being in the SAS program is how she feels it really prepares her for college and life outside of school. A piece of advice she would give to students interested in joining SAS is, “Do not compare yourself to people who have better grades than you. Be proud of yourself because SAS is challenging, just being in the program is an accomplishment.” 

Jaylin was nominated by her Honors Economics and Government teacher, Mr. Bruhnke.  When asked why he nominated Jaylin, he said "Jaylin scored extremely high on a number of Government exams last semester; she also has a positive attitude and contributes to class discussions".  Jaylin was nominated for her excellent academic achievement, and best attitude.

November 2022 Students of the Month!

Koa Alvarez  - 9th Grade Recipient

When Koa found out he was nominated for Student of the Month, he felt surprised but glad to receive the award.  He attended R.H. Dana Middle School, and is in his first year of SAS.  His favorite subject is English , because he feels like he can relate to the teacher on a different level than his other teachers. Koa's favorite extracurriculars are playing the piano, drums, or any type of musical activity, as well as being in MMA classes.    When asked what he likes about being in SAS, he said that he likes the future academic opportunity received, as well as being surrounded by like minded students that influence and shape him to be a better person.   Some advice he would give to those interested in joining SAS, is to put a lot of thought in the program's hard work, and to stay on task to keep your grades up.  

Koa was nominated by his English 9 teacher, Ms. Early.  He was nominated for Best Attitude and Best Participation.  When asked why she nominated Koa, she said, "In our small but mighty 6th period, Koa is a crucial part of our classroom community. He is always actively engaged in our conversations, providing unique and thought-provoking perspectives and ensuring all students have a voice and are part of the group. "

Alexandria Nobregas - 10th Grade Recipient

When Allie found out she was nominated for Student of the Month, she felt honored to be chosen and glad that the teachers noticed the hard work she put into her schoolwork. Allie attended Dana Middle School and is in her second year of SAS. Her favorite subject is AP World History because she likes learning about the history of the world and finds it all extremely fascinating. Allie’s favorite extracurriculars include swimming and running. When asked what she likes about being in SAS, she said, she appreciates how all the teachers are very understanding, and even if you don’t understand something they are always there to help.  Some advice Allie would give to those interested in joining SAS is to keep on top of your work because although it can be overwhelming the program is definitely worth it.

Allie was nominated by her Honors 10th grade English teacher, Mr. Patchell. When asked why he wanted to nominate Allie, he said, “ She always wants to do better, even though she is tops.” 

Maddison Joseph-Cooper -11th Grade Recipient

When Maddi found outs he was nominated for Student of the Month, she felt honored and happy.  She attended Dana Middle School, and is now a junior in SAS.  Her favorite subject is Graphic Design, because it is easy and fun to make posters with different websites.  Maddi's favorite extracurriculars are playing basketball, playing Piano and videogames.   When asked what she likes about being in SAS, she said that she liked the opportunities it gives.   Some advice she would give to those interested in joining SAS, is to stay on top of your work and form good connections with your teachers.  

Maddi was nominated by her Algebra 2 teacher, Mrs. Kim.  She was nominated for her excellent academic achievement, Best attitude, and Best Participation.  When asked why she nominated Maddi, she said, "Maddi exudes such a positive environment in class.  She comes to class eager to learn and she works hard to understand the material. She'll come in during lunch or before school to ask if she doesn't understand something.

 Sofia Del Fine - 12th Grade Recipient

When Sofia found out that she was selected for 12th grade Student of the Month she was honored. She attended Dana Middle School and is in her final year in SAS. Her favorite subject is AP Psychology because the subject matters and is different from the classes she has taken in the past.  Sofia's favorite extracurricular is SAS Leadership. When asked why she liked SAS, She said that she likes the great students and teachers, as well as the environment. Some advice she would give to someone who is interested in the SAS program is to just do it! 

Sofia was nominated by her 12th grade AP Psychology  and SAS Leadership teacher, Ms. Bruhnke.  She was nominated for Excellent Academic Achievement and Best Attitude. When asked why she nominated Sofia, she said “Sofia is truly a pleasure to have in class! She comes in with a great attitude, ready to learn and participate. She demonstrates quick intellect and a great sense of humor which we all enjoy. As President of SAS Leadership, she has been outstanding at organizing and seeing through events, I appreciate her reliability so much!”

October 2022 Students of the Month!

Kendall Ethridge  - 9th Grade Recipient

When Kendall found out she had been nominated for Student of the Month,  she said that she felt very honored, excited to be chosen, and grateful.  She went to Dana Middle School, and is in her first year of SAS. Kendall's favorite subject is AP Human Geography because she loves learning about the effect geography has on culture and events that go on around the world.  Her favorite extracurriculars are volleyball, reading, and traveling.  When asked what she likes about being in SAS, she said that she likes being challenged in all of her classes, as well as loving the support the teachers offer.  If Kendall could give any advice to those interested in joining SAS, it is to put hard work in, because you get out from the program what you put into it, and the hard work will pay off.

Kendall was nominated by her Geometry teacher, Ms. Kim.  She was nominated for her excellent academic achievement.  When asked why she nominated Kendall, Ms. Kim said that "Kendall is a self motivated student, who always produces exemplary work.  She is always attentive, respectful, and mature."

Maximus Salvador - 10th Grade Recipient

When Max found out he was nominated for Student of the Month, he felt honored, and also grateful to the teachers who nominated him.  He attended Dana Middle school, and is in his second year of SAS.  His favorite subject is AP World History, because it has been the most enjoyable class of his high school experience so far, and has given him a deeper understanding of the world around him, as well as challenging him to work hard.  Max's favorite extracurriculars are playing basketball and skating with friends.   When asked what he likes about being in SAS, he said that he liked the deeper learning that SAS provides, as well as the teachers, classmates, and how it helps you prepare for college and AP exams.   Some advice he would give to those interested in joining SAS, is to work hard, give your best effort, and stay motivated.  

Max was nominated by his AP World History teacher, Mrs. Bruhnke, and his Honors English teacher, Mr. Patchell. He was nominated for Best Participation and Excellent Academic Achievement.  When asked why Max was nominated, Mrs. Bruhnke said that "Max is so bright! He consistently scores in the top of his class, and is going to rock the AP exam! He demonstrates quick and insightful understanding of the material, and his participation in class is much appreciated." Mr. Patchell explained that Max is "always positive, upbeat: really into the literature."  

Catrina Cardona - 11th Grade Recipient

When Catrina found out she was nominated for Student of the Month, she said she felt honored, and didn't see it coming but feels incredible to be chosen.  She attended Dodson Middle School, and is in her third year of SAS. Catrina's favorite subject is AP Psych because the topic is super interesting and it's not as stressful as many of her other classes, as well as always learning something new in the class.  Her favorite extracurriculars are hanging out with friends, being part of and participating in school clubs, shopping, and baking.  When asked what she liked about being in SAS, Catrina said "I like being in SAS because I'm surrounded by people that have similar goals and mentalities as I do which makes it really fun to be in class."  Some advice she would give to someone interesting in joining SAS is to not be scared to ask teachers for help, because they are there to help you comprehend the material. 

Catrina was nominated by her AP Psychology and SAS Leadership teacher, Mrs. Bruhnke.  She was nominated for Excellent Academic Achievement, Best Attitude, and Best Participation.  Mrs. Bruhnke explained that she nominated Catrina because "she is an outstanding student who consistently maintains one of the top grades in the class.  Her participation is thoughtful and shows intellectual curiosity and quick understanding of the material. As a SAS leader, I know I can always count on Catrina to show up and represent the program with class and poise.  What a great gal!!  I appreciate her so much!"

 Isabella Terzoli - 12th Grade Recipient

When Isabella found out she was nominated for Student of the Month, she was excited, honored, and felt like her hard work this semester had been recognized.  She attended Dana Middle School, and is in her fourth year of SAS. Isabella's favorite subject is Honors Government, because she has always been interested in politics, and the class has helped her understand shows more as well as applying the subject to everyday life.  Her favorite extracurriculars are learning American Sign Language, gardening, reading, graphic design, and crocheting.   When asked what she likes about being in SAS, Isabella said that she loves the connected community within it, and that the teachers really care about the students, and want them to succeed.  Some advice she would give to someone who is interested in joining SAS is to make friends with your teachers and counselors, value hard work,  think about joining clubs to help make friends and surround yourself in a diverse group of individuals that have similar interests as you.  

Isabella was nominated by her Honors Principles of American Democracy teacher, Mr Bruhnke.  She was nominated for Excellent Academic Achievement and Best Participation. When asked why he nominated Isabella, Mr. Bruhnke said "Isabella does excellent in all facets of the class, but her participation in class activities, discussions, lectures, and projects really stands out.  She is curious and open to new ideas and experiences." 

September 2022 Students of the Month!

Finley Walters - 9th Grade Recipient

After being selected for the 9th grade Student of the Month, Finley was surprised and honored. She attended Dana Middle School in the STEAM program and is now in her first year of SAS. Finley's favorite subjects are Algebra 2 and AP Human Geography because she enjoys the challenge and the dynamic of both of the classes. Her favorite extracurricular activities are competitive swimming and reading science fiction novels. Her favorite parts about being in the SAS program are the academic challenges and the supportive teachers. When asked for advice to those who want to join SAS, she advised "to be too stubborn to quit the program when it gets hard."

She was nominated by her Honors Biology teacher, Mrs Cheng, for Excellent Academic Achievement, Best Attitude, and Best Participation. When asked why Finley was nominated, Mrs. Cheng said, “Finley embodies an excellent science student, she's attentive and inquisitive. She is also actively engaged in labs and activities.”

Bowie Hernandez - 10th Grade Recipient

After being selected as a 10th grade recipient for SAS Student of the Month, Bowie was thrilled and inspired to keep working hard and try to be better every day. She attended Dana Middle School and is in her second year of the SAS program. Bowie’s favorite subject is AP World History because she loves learning about how past events shape the world now. Her favorite extracurricular activities are Boy Scouts of America (BSA) scouting and wrestling. When asked what she likes most about SAS, Bowie said that she loves the challenge and being forced to step up, and also says that the teachers are very dedicated. Bowie advises that those who wish to join SAS be ready to “work hard, stay organized and take up every opportunity you can for help, SAS isn't an easy program but there will always be people who are willing to support.”

She was nominated by her AP World History teacher, Mrs. Bruhnke.  She was nominated for Excellent Academic Achievement, Best Attitude, and Best Participation.  When asked why Bowie was nominated, Mrs. Bruhnke said, “Bowie has earned the top score in her class, and participates regularly in a way that is positive and helpful.  It is a pleasure to have Bowie in class! 

Diego Jimenez - 11th Grade Recipient

When Diego Jimenez found out that he had been selected to be the 11th grade recipient of Student of the Month, he felt honored and grateful to be nominated and recognized.  He attended Holy Trinity School and is in his third year of SAS.  Diego’s favorite subject is AP Psychology because he thinks that it is very fascinating to learn about the various parts of our brain/human body and its functions, as well as be a potential career path for him.  His favorite extracurriculars are volleyball, working out, skating, school clubs, and being a Lifeteen leader at Holy Trinity Church.  When asked what he enjoys about being in SAS, he said that he likes the environment, teacher and peers' inclusivity, as well as being able to take multiple rigorous courses with the help of great teachers.  If he could give any advice to a person looking to join SAS, it is to stay on task and not procrastinate because assignments build up quickly, and to have good relationships with teachers and peers to make school more enjoyable.  

He was nominated by his AP Psychology teacher, Mrs. Bruhnke, as well as his AP Environmental Science teacher, Mrs. Cheng. He was nominated for his Excellent Academic Achievement, Best Attitude, and Best Participation.  When asked why he was nominated, Ms. Cheng said, “Diego applies all the science concepts in the labs and activities. He also has a great attitude in class".  Ms. B. said, “DJ is a stellar student. He is maintaining the top score in his AP class, and I appreciate his willingness to participate thoughtfully and his enjoyment of the content. His sense of humor is also an asset that makes him a joy to have in class!”

 Isidro (Paco) Godoy - 12th Grade Recipient

When Paco found out that he had been selected to be the 12th grade recipient of the Student of the Month, he was proud to have the honor, and looked at it as an omen for success during the rest of his year.   He attended Dodson Middle School, and is in his fourth year of SAS.  Paco’s favorite subject is AP Psychology because there are relatively few people in the class, which makes it more laid-back.  His favorite extracurriculars are drawing, reading and playing video games.  When asked what he enjoys about being in SAS, it is that he enjoys the people involved in the program, and has liked nearly all of the teachers, as well as the work which he values.  If he could give any advice to someone interested in joining SAS, it is that SAS is not for the faint of heart, and that you must develop a good system of priorities, but that it is also a fun and accommodating environment.  

He was nominated by his AP Government/ H Economics teacher, Mr. Bruhnke.  He was nominated for his Excellent Academic Achievement.  When asked why he was nominated, Mr. Bruhnke said, “Paco consistently scores extremely high on tests and quizzes, but what I really appreciate are his thoughtful questions. Sometimes he even stumps me!