
"I've been a part of SAS since my freshman year. I've honestly loved all my classes and teachers. At first I was nervous because I thought the classes were gonna be hard. But the teachers were amazing at their jobs and made their subjects really easy to learn and understand. They would also always help me if I asked or needed extra help. It was also great that all the students in my classes were focused on their work just as much as I was. So there weren't any distractions or interruptions from students during instructional periods. Another great thing is that I feel like I'm actually getting prepared for college. I'm really glad I joined SAS because I feel like I'm getting the most out of my education and I'm pushing myself to be better."-Emily Rodriguez, Class of 2022


"I’ve been in SAS since Freshman year and have had so many opportunities that I don’t think would have been given to me in any other program. The teachers go out of their way to share helpful clubs and groups that includes tutoring, jobs, and National Honors society. The students are also very helpful and friendly it makes for a good environment." - Savannah Ulloa, Class of 2022

"You should definetly join SAS because your with people who want to get the feel for college classes. In your 9th grade year you are placed in an AP class which helps not only with your GPA but will definelty impact your next 3 years." - Stephanie Cuevas class of 2019

“I would not be the man I am today were it not for the School for Advanced Studies at San Pedro High School. If you’re looking for opportunities, look no further. I took advantage of everything that this program had to offer—from the rigorous coursework to the support network of amazing teachers—and my life has changed for the better. I was Valedictorian of the class of 2020 and am now doing a gap year before I will matriculate to Dartmouth College’s class of 2025. I highly recommend you do what I did and enroll in this amazing program.” - Nick Campolo, Class of 2020

June Week 1 Assignment (Sep 21, 2020 at 3_34 PM).MOV

"The School for Advanced Studies program has brought great opportunities for me throughout my high school academic career. Coming from a seniors perspective, I have no regrets being apart of this honorable program. The SAS teachers truly have a passion for helping students become the best version of themselves academically. The passion the teachers present while teaching is at a higher par then other programs, I have taken 7 AP classes throughout high school and I love the challenge and push of determination I got from each class. SAS courses allow students to build new skills that may have not been taught in other classes. AP and honors courses have students think, write, analyze, and study in ways that are best fit for our learning abilities as over achieving students. Each class offers you a different level of understanding and skill level work, so you benefit from each class in different ways. The rigorous program treats students like the young adults we are, and helps students access the resources we need to become successful. For example AP readiness workshops at UCLA, after school tutoring, DESTRESS fest and field trips throughout the year. Teachers go out of their way to hold after school or weekend workshops to give students the tools and instructions to help us pass AP exams which are extremely helpful. The SAS program helps you stand out as a unique individual, by taking these outstanding and higher skill level courses which shows colleges your determination while applying. It is a positive experience because you are in an environment where students in your class have the same academic drive as you which Is highly motivating. It is an honor to say I am apart of the SAS family, this program and the courses it entails have helped me reach my academic goals and push myself to be the best student I can be." - Brooke Martinez, Class of 2021

"Hii, I am Donna Reza, currently in the 9th grade and a part of the class of 2024. I am new to this wonderful program and I am excited to finish off the rest of my years in SPHS, alongside with the SAS program. SAS has been really helpful throughout my online class experience because the teachers are organized and determined to make sure that their students are understanding and actually learning, while experiencing a pandemic. " - Donna Reza, Class of 2024


"The SAS program, offered at San Pedro High School, is suited towards every child in hopes of getting the very best from each student. SAS gives you an incredible edge when it comes to applying for colleges. There are so many opportunities that come with this program, such as field trips, AP classes, leadership, and college counseling. The AP courses are college preparatory classes that will both prepare you and allow for you to get college credit. The courses offered may be rigorous, but you will always have a caring and friendly teacher who is going to guide you one step at a time. The teachers in SAS are the best! They will listen to what you have to say, but most importantly will offer feedback and think of a solution. One of their main goals is for every student to feel at “home”. Mrs. Bruhnke, SAS coordinator, is one of the best teachers I have ever had! She loves teaching and will always look to have all her students happy! Friendships can also be made! I have made many long lasting friendships with students in this program! Everyone here is so welcoming! All in all, coming to SAS will be one of the best decisions." Kenneth Llontop, Class of 2022

"My name is Joy Manzano and I am a Junior in SAS this year. I have been in the program since 9th grade and I have enjoyed it so much. Coming from a small middle school, I was very nervous about starting high school, but SAS made the transition so easy. I believe that it is easier for me to stay focused on doing good in school because being SAS, means being constantly surrounded by like minded, motivated people who are college bound just like myself. The teachers in our program are awesome, care about our well beings and are constantly making sure we get the best education possible."- Joy Manzano, Class of 2022

"The SAS program at SPHS is one of the reasons why I was able to be successful during my time in high school. One of the biggest attractors was the sheer volume of AP classes that are offered during your four years. Even more important than that were the teachers that I had the pleasure of having. All of my SAS teachers prepared me for college in many different ways. The strong support system of competent and caring teachers in the SAS program granted me the power to be a great student. I would recommend any parent that has a kid entering SPHS to enroll their kid in the SAS program if possible. The program will give you everything you need to be ready for college."- Cristian Sebastiani, Class of 2016