SAS Enrollment Information

Application and Enrollment Information:

The procedures for enrolling in School for Advanced Studies programs in LAUSD are based on residency (either within a resident school's boundaries or outside the school boundaries). Please carefully review the two options below, and follow the path appropriate for your student.

Option 1 - for Resident Students within SPHS Boundaries:

-If your student lives within SPHS residential boundaries and is identified gifted/high achieving by LAUSD, you do NOT need to complete a formal application with the district. SAS is the designated gifted program at SPHS, and your student will be automatically enrolled in SAS, unless you opt out. Please fill out the attached interest form for our own internal communication purposes, and we will reach out to you with further information. This form should be turned into Ms. Guerrero in the parent center, or via email to, or it can be emailed directly to Ms. Bruhnke at

-If your student lives within SPHS residential boundaries but is NOT identified gifted, but is high-achieving, please fill out the interest form as well, and your current school can certify if your student meets the criteria for the SAS program. After receiving your interest form, we will reach out to your current school for the verification of eligibility process. Please see the criteria used to determine eligibility below. 

Option 2 - for Non-Resident Students:

-Students who do not live within SPHS residential boundaries must apply for SAS through the district's e-Choices online application by November 18, 2023 for the 2024-2025 school year. Information about the program and application can be found here:

More information about SAS programs in general and the application process can be found at:

If you have further questions about the SAS program at SPHS, please do not hesitate to reach out!  Contact Karin Bruhnke, SAS Coordinator, at