2020-2021 Students of The Month

Table of Contents

May 2021 Students of the Month!

Jazmine Burdette - 9th Grade Recipient

Jazmine felt very ecstatic when she found out she won Student of the Month and she also felt really excited to share this with her parents. Jazmine went to Dodson Middle School and is now a Freshman in SAS. Her favorite subject this year was English because she really liked the books she read and she got an excuse to read other books for AR points. She also enjoys taking extra forensic science classes in her free time. When asked what she liked about SAS she said "I like that there's a sort of roadmap that we follow but are still given options." If she could give advice to anyone wanting to join SAS she'd say "Get ready to take on difficult but rewarding classes."

Jazmine was nominated by Ms. Patapoff who is her AP Human Geography and Honors English teacher. Ms. Patapoff nominated her for excellent academic achievement. When asked why she nominated Jazmine, Ms. Patapoff said "Jazmine is engaged in class, actively participating and always completes her work thoroughly. She has maintained excellent grades all year, despite the challenges of online learning."

Christopher Frazier - 10th Grade Recipient

When Christopher found out he was recieving Student of the Month, he felt honored to be recognized for his achievements. Christopher attented Holy Trinity Middle School and is now a Sophmore in SAS. His favorite class this year is water polo because he enjoys playing the sport. He also enjoys playing water polo outside of school with his club team. When asked what he liked about being in SAS he said "I like being in SAS because of the amount of support and the amazing teachers." If he could give advice to anyone wanting to join SAS he'd say "Go for it and find something interesting in every subject so that you are more inspired to learn."

Christopher was nominated by Ms. Marino who is his English teacher. Ms. Marino nominated him for excellent academic achievement. When asked why she nominated Christopher, Ms. Marino said "When asked to choose a Student of the Month, Chris Frazier was an easy choice. Chris comes to class prepared and ready to participate. His comments and questions during the discussions are invaluable. Chris is thoughtful, responsible, respectful, and a pleasure to have in class. I will miss him next semester."

Kenneth Llontop - 11th Grade Recipient

Kenneth felt honored and excited to be named Student of the Month. He said, SAS has so many amazing students all ready to learn and do their best, which is why he felt honored to be chosen from a large list of names. Kenneth attended Dana Middle School and is now a Junior in SAS. His favorite class was AP Physics. He said that although the class is challenging, he enjoyed the content. He found it fascinating to try to understand all the systems at play in our world. He also liked that physics calms your curiosity, while simultaneously igniting it. Outside of school, Kenneth said that soccer has always been a way to relax and have fun with friends. Coding become a recent interest of his because it is something new compared to his current coursework. When asked what he liked about being in SAS he said "I like that through SAS I have made many lasting relationships. I have met many of my closest friends through SAS because we all have similar interests and goals. I also like the teacher and student relationships. I always feel supported and know that I am able to talk to any teacher about any problem I may encounter." If he could give advice to anyone wanting to join SAS he'd say "Do it! SAS has a wonderful academic environment that gives students plenty of opportunities to succeed, spanning from helping you find your interests to college readiness. You will always have support and looking back you won’t regret this decision."

Kenneth was nominated by Ms. Bruhnke and Ms. Rodriguez who are his AP Psychology and AP English Language teachers, respectively. They nominated him for excellent academic achievement, best attitude, and best participation. When asked why she nominated Kenneth, Ms. Bruhnke said "Kenneth is an outstanding student whom I have been lucky enough to have 2 years in a row. He is not only intelligent and hard working, he is also a great participator and has a great attitude. He always has a smile on his face and a sense of humor that makes him a joy to have in class!" Ms. Ms. Rodriguez said "Kenneth is a model student. No matter what grade he gets, he always wants to get feedback to do better. He is a pleasure to have in class."

Kaley Sutrin - 12th Grade Recipient

Kaley felt very honored and excited to have been chosen for student of the month. She attended Dana Middle School and is now a Senior in SAS. Kaley's favorite subject this year was AP Psychology with Mrs Bruhnke. She loved the content and how much she could apply everything she learned to her own life as well as those around her. She also enjoys being in SAS leadership, as it has allowed her to support the program even more so and make many amazing friends. Outside of school she enjoys hiking, working out, and being with her friends. When asked what she liked about being in SAS she said "I love the challenging atmosphere that SAS provides. I love how everyone is willing to support each other while also competitively pushing each other to be their best. I also love how it allows you to make friends that you will continue to be surrounded by all four years!" If she could give advice to anyone wanting to join SAS, she'd say "Be prepared and willing to challenge yourself, and never give up. Also be prepared to learn time management, because the classes are academically challenging and require time and effort, but lead to great rewards!"

Kaley was nominated by Ms. Bruhnke who is her AP Psychology teacher. Ms. Bruhnke nominated her for excellent academic achievment and best attitude. When asked why she nominated Kaley, Ms. Bruhnke said "Kaley is a joy to have as a student. She is so diligent and responsible, fully engaged in class, and is an exceptional intellect. On top of that, she is kind, funny, and I just love her!"

April 2021 Students of the Month!

Alexis Williams - 9th Grade Recipient

When finding out she was chosen Student of the Month, Alexis said she felt very happy and thankful that Mrs. Patapoff chose her. Alexis attended Christ Lutheran School and is now a Freshman in SAS. Her favorite subject is English because she enjoys finding and reading new books. In addition to reading, in her free time Alexis likes to watch Netflix, hang out with friends, and go to the mall and the beach. When asked what she liked about SAS, Alexis said "I like how supportive the teachers are in SAS and how they work their best to help me succeed." If she could give advice to someone interested in joining SAS she'd say "It is a great program with excellent teachers. You have to work hard in your classes, but you will be rewarded!"

Alexis was nominated by Ms. Patapoff who is her Honors English teacher. Ms. Patapoff nominated her for her excellent academic achievement. When asked why she nominated Alexis, Ms. Patapoff said, "She actively engages in class, with her camera on and she completes her work thoroughly and on time."

Stella Dommer - 10th Grade Recipient

Stella was extremely honored to be chosen for Student of the Month. She said she could not have stayed as focused as she did this year without the undeniable support from her amazing teachers and her family, who have given her the opportunity to transcend past any boundaries online school has created. Stella attended Dana Middle School for her 7th and 8th grade year, and she is now a Sophomore in SAS. Her favorite subject in school has always been mathematics, however this year her favorite subject has been World History. She said Mrs. Bruhnke's AP World History class has both challenged and inspired her in many ways. It has allowed her to realize how not only are you learning about the past but you are also learning about the future. Stella enjoys participating in ballet and volleyball, which have always been weaved throughout her life and serve as an escape from the stress of school. Other than sports she enjoys playing guitar, delving into a blank canvas with acrylic, and playing video games. When asked what she liked about SAS she said "I love being challenged. One of the reasons I chose to be in SAS was because I appreciate the opportunities it brings to the table and the fantastic support it provides on the journey to college." If she could give advice to someone interested in joining SAS she would say "Time management is a significant factor of prospering in SAS, A.K.A. knowing how to put everything else aside for at least a of couple hours a night to finish assignments is vital to the program. Believing in yourself and your future is the first step!"

Stella was nominated by Ms. Bruhnke who is her AP World History Teacher. Ms. Bruhnke nominated her for excellent academic achievement, best attitude, and best participation. When asked why she nominated Stella, Ms. Bruhnke said "Stella is an outstanding student with exceptional intellect and a great attitude. She is always willing to participate and has been such a positive and helpful asset to our class!"

Xander Singson - 11th Grade Recipient

Xander was surprised and honored to be chosen for Student of the Month. He attended Holy Trinity school for middle school and is now a Junior in SPHS SAS. His favorite subject this year is Honors Precalc because his teacher, Ms. Kim, helps make the content more interesting and easier to understand. Xander is a member of the End It Club which is about raising human trafficking awareness and the SPHS Relay for Life club. Outside of school he enjoys spending time with friends, hiking, working out, driving, listening to music. When asked what he liked about SAS, Xander said "I'm thankful for all the friends I've made in SAS. The program's advanced courses have allowed me to push myself and grow academically." If he could give advice to someone interested in joining SAS he'd say "SAS is a great and supportive community within SPHS. Time management is one of the most important skills you'll need. It requires some time and effort, but the program is definitely rewarding."

Xander was nominated by Ms.Kim who is his Honors Precalculus teacher. Ms. Kim, who nominated Xander for excellent academic achievement, said "Xander always goes above and beyond in class."

Jasmine Cuevas - 12th Grade Recipient

Jasmine felt honored to have been chosen as SAS student of the month. She said that through zoom, it has been difficult to connect with teachers as we have done in the past, this is why she is grateful to have made a strong enough impression as a student in order to be chosen. Jasmine attended Dana Middle School and is now a Senior in SAS. Jasmine's favorite subject this years is AP Calculus, because despite the difficult material, it challenges her to make a greater effort to succeed in a subject she had always enjoyed. Her favorite extracurricular activity is waterpolo followed by swimming. She also enjoys her job as a lifeguard because her co-workers make the job enjoyable. When asked what she liked about SAS she said "I like that SAS sets its students up to become strong competitors against others when it comes to college applications. This program paves the way for students to succeed academically by exposing them to challenging courses starting from freshman year. It also creates a tight knit community that makes its members feel comfortable with each other and their teachers." If she could give advice to someone interested in joining SAS she would say "Don't be intimidated by the material being taught in class and build a strong relationship with teachers. Many students turn away from courses simply because it has the letters AP in front of it but as long as they can keep up with the workload, the material is not too difficult to understand. In the case where times become difficult, students should talk to their teachers because the teachers in SAS are very understanding and willing to cooperate with their students."

Jasmine was nominated by Mr. Bruhnke who is her AP Government/H. Economics teacher. Mr. Bruhnke nominated her for excellent academic achievement. When asked why he nominated Jasmine he said "She is a wonderful essay writer and has a keen intellect!"

February 2021 Students of the Month!

Geraldine Sandoval - 9th Grade Recipient

When Geraldine found out she was chosen for Student of the Month she felt honored, grateful, and happy. Geraldine went to Dana Middle School and is now a Freshman in SAS. She doesn't have a favorite subject, she enjoys every subject and says her classes are interesting, fun, and she loves her teachers. When outside of school she enjoys playing piano, singing, and reading, and before Covid she practiced kickboxing and taekwondo. She also enjoys having fun with friends and hopes she can see them soon. When asked what she liked about SAS she said "What I like about the SAS program is that I am having the opportunity to be exposed to higher academic standards and to Advanced Placement Courses. I am also taking college classes with LA Harbor City College in a four year program and I like that my classmates are hardworking kids. In SAS you can really tell how much the teachers want you to succeed, they care about you and push you to always do your best." If she were to give advice to someone considering joining the SAS program she'd tell them "Apply without fear because you are never going to regret it. Always do your best and work on time management. Homework isn’t overwhelming unless you wait until the last minute to finish everything. Never give up!"

Geraldine was nominated by Ms. Cheng who is her Honors Biology teacher. Ms. Cheng nominated her for excellent acadmic achievement, best attitude, and best participation. When asked why she nominated Geraldine, Ms. Cheng said "She is always attentive, cooperative, respectful and the leader of the class."

Nuvia Gutierrez Mejia - 10th Grade Recipient

Nuvia, or Jellybean as her friends call her, was shocked that she was the Student of the Month. She attended Peary Middle School and is now a sophomore in SAS. Her favorite subjects this year are English and AP World History because she enjoys both classes and the teachers are really understanding and caring. Nuvia enjoys playing the guitar in her church music group, taking classes on the side, and being part of the College bound Program. When asked what she likes about being in SAS she said "What I like about being in SAS is that all the teachers that I have been able to interact with have been very understanding and willing to help me with any problem I may have." For those considering joining the SAS program, she said "I would advise that if they want to join SAS they try their best and to strive to be great."

Nuvia was nominated by Ms. Marino who is her Honors English Teacher. Ms. Marino nominated her for excellent academic achievement. When asked why she nominated Nuvia, Ms. Marino said "I chose Nuvia as my Student of the Month because she is conscientious and bright. Nuvia comes to class prepared and eager to participate. She represents the type of student I love to see enter the class. I am honored to work with her."

Kelly Yoshimura - 11th Grade Recipient

Kelly was honored to have been chosen for student of the month. While this school year has been challenging, she appreciates the support she's received from friends and teachers that have helped her to continue to do well in and outside of class. Kelly attended Dana Middle School and is now a Junior in SAS. She says her favorite subject this year is AP Psychology because not only is Mrs. Bruhnke an amazing teacher, but she's always been interested in learning about humans and having an understanding of how and why people are who they are. Outside of school she enjoys singing, playing piano and ukelele, listening to music, reading, and learning about sociology. When asked what she liked about being in SAS, Kelly said "I appreciate the many opportunities and prominent support that I’ve received since joining the SAS program. I also adore the friends I’ve made in the program." If she were to give advice to someone wanting to join SAS she said "I would advise students who are interested in joining SAS to prepare for challenging classes and to learn how to organize time. I would also say that having a few friends in each of your classes is really beneficial."

Kelly was nominated by Ms. Bruhnke, her AP Psychology teacher, and Ms. Cheng, her AP Environmental Science teacher. Ms. Bruhnke, who nominated Kelly for excellent academic achievement and best participation, said "Kelly is the type of student who is such a pleasure to have in class! Not only is she exceptionally intelligent and hard working, but she also has a positive attitude and a fun sense of humor. I love to see her smile on our Zooms and appreciate so much her participation in class." Ms. Cheng nominated Kelly for excellent academic achievment, best attitude, and best participation. When asked why she nominated Kelly, Ms. Cheng said "She is pleasant, trustworthy, cooperative , helpful, and willing to stay after class for other student's conference."

Ivania Rodriguez - 12th Grade Recipient

Ivania, or Ivy, said she felt a rush of happiness and an extreme sense of gratitude and honor when she found out she was nominated for Student of the Month. She also said that knowing that she was even considered a nominee by one of her teachers, makes her even more grateful for this opportunity. Ivy attended Dodson Middle School and is now an SAS senior. Ivy said that her favorite subjects are AP Environmental Science and AP English Literature, as both are subjects that she take pleasure in learning about, and feels that these courses allow her to acquire crucial and valuable knowledge for the future. She said that being able to look past the content while analyzing pieces of literature and presenting environmental topics after researching them, are class activities she truly enjoys the most. Though these are her favorite subjects, she sincerely looks forward to attending all her classes as she deeply appreciates and wishes to thank all her teachers for making each class as enjoyable and enriching as possible regardless of our current state. She also enjoys attending club meetings, thrifting, biking/skating, sending letters to her friends, analyzing films, playing tennis with her team, going on picnics, and making/listening to music playlists. When asked what she liked about being is SAS she said "Being in SAS is a privilege, and I am proud of being a part of this prestigious program, though it feels more like a family. SAS is a community where I have built one of my strongest friendships, and created lifelong bonds with peers and teachers that have impacted my life in various ways. Not only did I love growing and witnessing my peers flourish throughout the past 4 years, but I am also grateful for the number of times this program and its courses have pushed my limits and allowed me to expand and enhance my social and academic abilities." If she were to give advice to anyone wanting to join SAS she'd say "Although a long journey awaits you and facing difficult obstacles is inevitable, you can do it. You are capable of so much potential and can get so far in life, but remember to stay organized, prioritize your responsibilities, manage your time, and if you think you should study… you most likely should study lol! Make sure to take advantage of your resources and it’s always beneficial to form a study group, you got this! :)"

Ivy was nominated by Ms.Cheng who is her AP Enviornmental Science teacher. Ms. Cheng nominated her for excellent academic achievement, best attitude, and best participation. When asked why she nominated Ivy, Ms. Cheng said "She is a socially conscious student who cares so much about the environment as one of the leaders of Environmental Club. She is helpful and always go way above and beyond my expectations. She's accepted at UCSD, congratulations Ivy."

January 2021 Students of the Month!

Diego Jimenez - 9th Grade Recipient

When DJ found out he was student of the month he said he felt honored and surprised to be chosen by his teacher. DJ went to Holy Trinity School and he is now a Freshman at San Pedro High School. He says his favorite subject this year is AP Human Geography because the content of the class interests him. He enjoys learning about geography and also enjoys the assignments in the class. DJ also enjoys skating, hanging out with friends, working out, participating in SPPY, playing water polo, and playing video games. When we asked why he liked SAS he said "I enjoy all the opportunities it has given me such as being able to take honors and AP classes in my freshman year. I also like being able to take college courses because it allows me to start getting credit for college early on." The advice he would give to someone who was interested in SAS is "I would encourage them to join the SAS program because the program gives you many opportunities to accelerate your studies, the teachers are great, and, if you’re on top of things, you’ll do well in the program."

Diego was nominated by Ms. Patapoff who is his AP Human Geography teacher. She nominated him for having excellent academic achievement. When asked why she nominated Diego, Ms. Patapoff said "Diego is an exceptional student who always actively participates and completes his work correctly and in a timely manner. He is inquisitive and always strives hard to do his best."

Dylan Paras - 10th Grade Recipient

Dylan said he was extremely thankful and grateful that he was nominated by Mrs. Bruhnke when finding out he was chosen as student of the month. He understood that there aren't many chances for students to receive the distinction, so he was very appreciative to be chosen. Dylan attended Dana Middle School and now he's a Sophomore at San Pedro High School. His favorite subject is math because he's always been proficient in it. He said math appealed to him because there is only one correct answer, it's a matter of being right or wrong and he enjoys knowing if his answer is correct or not. Dylan also enjoys running after school. He's part of the San Pedro Cross Country and he also participates in Students Run LA. When asked what he liked about SAS he said "I have been able to meet many nice and hardworking people through the SAS program. Many of my friends chose to join the SAS program, so I decided to follow them. I also liked that most of the projects are individual based rather than team based because I used to be in the STEAM program at my middle school." His advice for anyone wanting to join SAS would be "If you are willing to put in the effort, joining SAS may be for you. The SAS program has a sizable workload that may take up a lot of your time. It may be difficult to balance extracurriculars with this program, but if you are able to develop time management skills, it is possible! Last year, I was in the SAS program and participated in Cross Country. I didn't have much time after school, but I was able to balance my workload and work hard to get good grades."

Dylan was nominated by Mrs. Bruhnke who is his AP World History teacher. She nominated him for excellent academic achievement, best attitude, and best participation. Mrs. Bruhnke said she nominated Dylan because "Dylan is an ideal student - he demonstrates in-depth understanding of the material, is always willing to participate and his positive attitude and work ethic are amazing!"

Kearstin Bell - 11th Grade Recipient

Kearstin said she felt amazing about being chosen for Student of the Month. She attended Dana Middle School and is now a Junior at San Pedro High School. Kearstin is also a Principal Pirate Dancer, Black Student Union member, New Life Club member, and FCA member. Her favorite subjects this year are Speech and Math because the teachers (Ms. Marino and Ms. Kim) make the topics interesting and help her understand it more. She said they both also have infectious positivity that can't help but keep you engaged. Kearstin enjoys dancing, playing ice hockey, listening to oldies music, and watching TV. When asked what she liked about SAS she said "I like the sense of community that comes form being in SAS. The students I have classes with today, I've known since 9th grade and all of us have grown together. We can help each other out as students and ask for help for any of our teachers if needed. Everyone is approachable and fun to be around. I think SAS helps with building relationships as well through the end of semester parties and field trips taken." The advice she would give someone who's interested in joining SAS is "I would tell someone who was interested in joining SAS that it will definitely get you college-ready as well as give you amazing experiences that can help you decide what you want to do in the future."

Kearstin was nominated by Ms. Rodriguez, her AP English Language teacher. Ms. Rodriguez nominated Kearstin for best attitude and best participation. When asked why she chose to nominate Kearstin she said "I can always count on Kearstin to participate and be prepared for class. She is a great contributor to the class discussion and does not wait to be called on! That makes such a difference, especially in on-line learning!"

Abigale Hedrick - 12th Grade Recipient

When Abigale found out she won Student of the Month she said she felt surprised and happy. She said it was an honor to have been nominated by two amazing teachers. Abigale attended Dana Middle School and is now a Senior at San Pedro High School. Her favorite subject this year is AP English Literature because she personally loves English and analyzing books. She also enjoys participating in the marching band. When asked what she liked about SAS she said "I like that SAS feels like a little community where pretty much everyone knows each other." The advice she would give to someone wanting to join SAS is "I would encourage them to join the program. I would also say, "Just do your assignments on time, and you'll be fine."

Abigale was nominated by two teachers! She was chosen by Mrs. Bruhnke who is her AP Psychology teacher and Mr. Bruhnke, her AP Government teacher. Mrs. B. nominated her for having the best attitude and having the best participation, saying "It is such a joy to see Abigale's smiling face each morning! Her positive attitude helps to keep us all motivated, and her participation is so appreciated!" Mr. Bruhnke nominated her for having excellent academic achievement, best attitude, and best participation. When asked why he nominated her, Mr. Bruhnke said "Always has her screen on, always enters with a smile and a "good morning"; her excellent attitude is very much appreciated!"

October 2020 Students of the Month!

Maddi Joseph Cooper - 9th Grade Recipient

Maddi said she felt surprised, flabbergasted, and confused when she found out she had won Student of the Month. She attended Dana Middle School and is now a freshman at San Pedro High School. Her favorite subject in school is math because it's easy to understand once you get the hang of it. Maddi likes playing volleyball and basketball. Her favorite thing about SAS is the challenging curriculum as well as the new friends she made. Her advice to future SAS students is to "Get a colored pens pack and be organized. Also, make sure to respect your teachers."

Maddi was nominated by Mrs. Patapoff who is her AP Human Geography and English teacher. Mrs. Patapoff nominated her for her excellent academic achievement. When asked why she chose to nominate Maddi, Mrs. Patapoff said "I chose Maddison as Student of the Month because she actively engages in every class session, is a hard worker and isn't afraid to ask questions and help other students out. Maddison is always friendly, polite and respectful"

Aytana Martinez -10th Grade Recipient

Aytana said she felt ecstatic and happy that her hard work was paying off when she found out she had won Student of the Month. Aytana attended Dana Middle School and is now a sophomore at San Pedro High School. Her favorite subject is AP World History because she enjoys learning about other cultures and the past and because she feels it is essential for our knowledge of the future. In her free time she enjoys reading, running, and online shopping to the brink of teenage bankruptcy. She enjoys SAS because "SAS pushes me to be the best that I can. I find myself improving in so many aspects of my academic abilities, the teachers are beyond amazing and super understanding. SAS is a community in itself, it's comforting knowing most of my peers and that they're working as hard as I am!" The advice she would give to future SAS students is "You can do it! Don't underestimate yourself and your potential. Study, study, study! Spend some time to really understand the material and don't forget to enjoy it! Having a positive mindset even when you don't feel like it can make a big difference :)"

Aytana was nominated by Mr. Martinez who is her chemistry teacher. He nominated her for her excellent academic achievment. When asked why he chose to nominate her he said "Aytana was chosen because she had the highest grade amongst all honors chemistry students in both of my periods. I'm sure this is due to her hard work and great study habits." Her AP World History teacher, Ms. Bruhnke, says that Aytana is not only a top-tier academic, but is appreciated for her hard work and engagement and positive attitude. "Love to see her smile, ready to learn each day!", says Ms. B.

Travis Crane -11th Grade Recipient

Travis said he felt very honored and grateful to the SAS teachers when finding out he was selected as Student of the Month. Travis attended Dana Middle School and is now a junior at San Pedro High School. He says his favorite subject is psychology because he finds it fascinating to learn about what makes each person unique and the effects that different aspects of life play in our development. He also enjoys playing guitar, swimming at the beach, and going on drives for fun. When asked what he liked about SAS he said "I like SAS because of the immense amount of support and encouragement the SAS teachers, staff, and fellow students. It also prepares students for the future and provides us with opportunities to follow our aspirations and interests." His advice to future SAS students would be "Take advantage of the resources and information at your disposal. SAS provides students with so many quality opportunities and resources that allow someone to evaluate their options for the future and pursue their individual interests and goals."

Travis was nominated by Mrs. Rodriguez who is his AP English Language teacher. She nominated him for his excellent academic achievement, having the best attitude, and having the best participation. She said "Travis always goes above and beyond on every assignment and I never have to call on him! He always participates."

Lucy Herlihy -12th Grade Recipient

When finding out she won Student of the Month, Lucy said she felt extremely thankful, excited, and motivated to continue her studies and that this was such an incredible honor. She is so grateful for all of her supportive teachers and amazing peers who have helped her along the way. Lucy attended Holy Trinity School and is now a Senior at San Pedro High School. Her favorite subject this year is AP Psychology because she feels the class is awesome and has so many enriching aspects to it that she continuously looks forward to learning about. From understanding how the brain operates to discovering how humans interact on a daily basis. For her this class has it all and has been super fun so far! She also enjoys playing the piano and bass guitar, both individually and with her band, as well as Irish dancing! When asked what she liked about SAS she said "I love the rigorous courses and close-knit environment it has to offer. I have made my best friends in this program and have advanced my level of learning far beyond what I ever intended for myself!" The advice she would give to future SAS students is "Be ready to work hard and also keep an open mind to all the extraordinary people and opportunities this program has in store!"

Lucy was nominated by 2 teachers. She was nominated by Mrs. Bruhnke who is her AP Psychology teacher and Mr. Bruhnke who is her AP Government teacher. Mr. Bruhnke nominated Lucy for her excellent academic achievement and for having the best participation. When asked why he chose to nominate her, he said "She always comes to class prepared to learn, always participates, asks questions, completes all work with care, exceeds on quizzes and tests, positive attitude!" Ms. Bruhnke nominated Lucy for her excellent academic achievement and for having the best attitude. She said "Lucy is a joy to have in class! Not only is she a top performer on exams, she is also a willing participant in class discussions and I love to see her smile and laugh on Zoom! I am so lucky to have been her teacher for 3 years in a row!!"