Practice Work

"The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics." - Paul Halmos

Tips for Success

  • Spend a minimum of 30 minutes each night on math

  • Practice work is 20% of your grade

  • Only one (1) late assignment will be allowed per module

  • All math work should be done in pencil (pens are only for correcting our work)

  • Correct your work carefully

  • Ask questions as needed


The majority of the notes will be completed on your own. You will typically complete your notes by watching a video posted in the Weekly Lessons in PowerSchool Learning. Be sure to pause and rewatch parts of the video as needed. Make sure you try the practice problems on your own as directed and be prepared to ask questions for clarification the next time we meet.

You have options for your notes:

    • Copy the notes onto a piece of notebook paper

    • Download the blank notes page into Notability

    • Print the blank notes page and fill it in as you watch the video

Practice Work Procedures

Personally I feel that it is best if you do all of your practice work on notebook paper. Notes are great in Notability but in order to be able to refer back to your notes for help, it has worked best for the majority of my students if they have their notes open in Notability on their iPad and complete the assignment on paper.

It is important to do the following when working on assignments:

  • Complete the problems on your own

  • Show all work possible

  • Correct the problems carefully

  • Redo the problems that you missed

  • Ask questions

  • Try the problems again on your own


Practice work with answers only is the same as no practice work at all - you must show all work whenever possible.

Practice work is assigned almost every day. You never know how I am going to check your work. Here are some of the things that I might do to check your work:

  • I might randomly call on you to answer a question about the practice work

  • I might have you show me your assignment at the beginning of class

  • I might have you turn in your homework (directions will be given in class for how and where to share it, if necessary)