Contact Information

How to best communicate with me is different for students and parents. Please read the directions carefully on the best method for communication.


For all students, I prefer to not discuss grades or late work via email. If you have a question about any of these, please let me know via the chat area in our Zoom class. We can then make arrangements to meet during class time in a breakout room or meet in Zoom before or after school.


If you need to contact me, the best way to communicate with me is via email. I cannot answer the phone and have a private conversation with you when I am teaching.


I will do my best to get back to you via email within 2 school days. If you do not hear back from me within that time frame, it means that either your email message was not received or I may have missed it. If that happens, please call me at Parks Junior High School at:

School Phone Number: 714-447-7785

Please email me for an appointment if you need to talk with me face to face.