Absences, Late Work, Missed Tests

Who is Responsible?

If you are absent, it is your responsibility to follow up with me, your math teacher.

The majority of the work completed in class is posted on my website. You should first go here to see what you missed. You should then contact a study buddy for more details.

Please remember, learning does not stop in the classroom because you are absent. You must complete and turn in all work from any absence.

Study Buddies

You are encouraged to have at least 2 study buddies for this class. If you are absent you can call, text, or email your study buddies to find out what you missed in class. Please be sure to ask the following questions:

  • What did you work on in class?

  • Were there any notes?

  • Were there any projects announced?

  • Were there any tests announced?

  • What was the homework?

Missing Work due to Absence

If you are absent you have up to two days to show me your homework or practice work.

If you wait too long to show me absent work, it will be considered late. If you don't ever show me your work from when you were absent, this work will be considered missing and your grade for it will be a 0 (zero).

What if I didn't complete my work?

First of all, It is important that you complete every assignment so you get the practice you need for tests and quizzes. All assigned work is designed to prepare us for our tests and quizzes.

Only 1 (one) late homework assignment per module will be accepted for credit.

How do I turn in absent or late work?

I will give you opportunities during class time to meet with me privately in a breakout room. During this time you can show me late work and ask any personal questions.

All late work is to be turned in before a module test - late work for a module will not be accepted after the test.

What if a missed a test (or quiz)?

If you miss a test, please send me a private message as you come to class to discuss when to take the test.

Together we will decide on a time for you to take the test that works best for both of us. Possible times to make up a test include:

    • In class the day that you return

    • Outside of class (Before School or After School)