
General Information

Grades are posted in PowerSchool as soon as possible. Please check PowerSchool at least once a week to check for any updates. Please see me outside of class if there are any problems with your grades or if you have any questions.

Weighted Grades

Grades for this course are weighted as follows:

80% - Assessments (Tests, Quizzes, Projects, Etc.)

20% - Practice Work (Homework, Online Participation, Etc.)

Because grades are weighted, you cannot calculate your grades by dividing the points you earned by total points possible.

Grade Scale

The grading scale for this course is as follows:

100% - 90% = A

89% - 80% = B

79% - 70% = C

69% - 60% = D

59% or below = F

“+” and “-“ grades are given

Extra Credit

I do not believe in providing extra credit to inflate a student’s overall class grade - the grade you receive needs to be a true reflection of your effort and achievement.

It is important that each student does their best at all times!

Sometimes there are bonus problems on tests and sometimes I will randomly decide to give bonus points to students who go above and beyond what is requested of them.