Tapestry Project

Tapestry - Planned Community for Active Seniors

Tapestry is an active living community for seniors living in the Arbutus walk planned community. Tapestry is looking for art, stories, letters of encouragement, etc. to share with the seniors living at Arbutus Walk (Kitsilano). Please send your pieces to Ms. Johnson directly and she will forward to the wellness manager: jacquelyn.johnson@collingwood.org

**There is a limit to the number of pieces they can reproduce and deliver each week**

Art for Seniors

Butterfly Art by Karen (Gr. 4) and sister Norah (Gr. 2)

Julia (2N)

Norah (2N)

Jane (2N)

Jeff (2N)

Jenny (2N)

Rebecca (2N)

KU's Kind Messages

By: Rebecca (2N)

Chloe (5JS) Kindness Poster


By: Tessa (Age 5)

By: Miral (6M)

Daniel (3Y)

Margaret (6M)

KS Rainbow Art Carousel for Seniors

Payton 4F

Ryan (Gr. 3)

Aasta's Shark Rock (4M)

Dusan (4M)

Chloe (4M) - Heart to Honour our Frontline Workers

Madeleine (4Mac)

Stories for Seniors

Dear friend,

I know how hard this tough time must be for you. To lift your spirits I have written a little story for you.

Snowy Owl Branch

“Once upon a time there was a great tree in a great wood. This tree was no ordinary tree, as it housed thousands of elegant Snowy Owls. Everyone was happy in their great tree which the owls named Snowy Owl Branch. Every single owl was magnificent, but one was the most graceful. Her name was Twilight. Twilight was perfectly content in her nest. Not only was she beautiful and graceful, she also had the silkiest feathers. One day, something dreadful arrived at Snowy Owl Branch. It sickened many of the elegant Snowy Owls living in their great tree. Twilight tried to help everywhere she could. She flew up and down the tree bringing seeds to those who were too sick to hunt. She made blankets out of leaves for those who were cold. Eventually though, everyone was ordered to stay inside their nests. All the owls longed for the time when they would swoop around the woods, laughing away, though today, Snowy Owl Branch stood silent and lonely. Twilight longed to help her friends find joy and hope, so she formed a plan. At night, Twilight snuck out of her nest, and by the entrance to the other owls’ homes, she placed a gift. One of her silky smooth feathers. She called it a feather of hope. With each feather she left a note, it said; I promise that all of this will pass. Here is your feather of hope.”

Written by: Chanelle Y. (5JS)

Poetry for Seniors


The Sun sinks into the sea far away,

Under the crashing waves of the water.

As it turned the waves around it bright yellow,

The sun blazed in the darkening night.

Sending light in waves in the dark,

Like a flame in the darkness.

By: Sarah Y. (4H)

The Flowers

April showers,

May flowers.

A cool breeze blows over the meadows and lakesides that have not yet bloomed,

A sign that Spring is due to come soon.

Snow still shimmers on bits of frost-bitten grounds,

For not yet all have had the chance to be melted.

Most see Spring as a chance to plant and grow,

But in my eyes, I see an opportunity for every chance of life.

By: Sarah Y. (4H)

Sent to Seniors Thursday, April 9th

Week #1 Poster

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Week #2 Poster

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