Round Square Challenges

Wacky Glasses - Round Square Challenge

Here is another fun Round Square challenge. Children from across the globe are designing and constructing their best version of 'wacky Round Square' glasses. Here are a few examples.

Take a picture of your glasses (individual or as a class) and send to Ms. Johnson. These will be submitted to the global Round Square network!

“We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop." (Mother Teresa)

Drop in the Ocean

Consider a small act of kindness that you will undertake this week as a service to someone else and capture it on the raindrop. You can write it as a simple statement of what you will do, or a call to action if you would like to encourage others to do the same. Cut your water drop out, decorate it, stick it on your window (facing in) take a picture. You can share your act of kindness with the world outside your window (by sending a copy of you and your raindrop to your classroom teacher and/or Ms. Johnson -

Round Square Challenge

Spirit of Environmentalism

This challenge asks students to consider how their choices, actions and behaviours can impact the environment, and the ways in which they can therefore reduce, improve or increase their impact by changing those choices, actions and behaviours.