2N Tackling our World of Plastics

Rebecca and Tessa's Beach Clean-up

Partnering with Ocean Ambassadors

Ms. Nielsen's class of 2N has partnered with Vancouver's Ocean Ambassadors to tackle our world of single use plastics. To quote Allison Wood, the Founder of Ocean Ambassadors, "Kids are more powerful than adults." Our goal is to reduce (if not eliminate) single-use plastics to save our ocean and coastline. Here are a few examples of how 2N is tackling the 'BIG' companies...one letter at a time!

Why we need to protect our ocean...

Exploring the intertidal pools

Rebecca's letter to Heinz Ketchup (and French's Mustard) - change plastic to glass

Jenny's letter to Ambleside Par 3 Golf Course - don't use plastic pencils

Caroline's letter to Amazon - reduce bubble wrap

Jenny's visit to the beach...

Female crab with eggs






Poster - No more single use plastics please!

Goose trying to find food