Becoming a Connected Educator


Prior to taking this class, my experiences with professional development involved the teachers at my school and on occasion, a few teachers in nearby schools. The first challenge for the class was titled becoming a connected educator. Each week, we connected with other educators and experts around the globe to expand our Personal Learning Network. We did this in a variety of ways; through Twitter, Pearltrees, and creating a blog. Being connected wasn't always easy, but it opened up a whole new avenue for finding great resources, ideas, and inspiration. The artifacts below are ways teachers can become connected too!

ISTE Standards:

Effective teachers apply the ISTE standards as they design, create, and implement curriculum through the use of technology. Becoming a connected educator meets these standards.

In order to teach students how to be responsible digital citizens, teachers must model and understand these issues first. Throughout the small challenges we were given, I learned about the legal and ethical use of information and technology, fair use, copyright, and intellectual property. Through my blog and participating in twitter chats, I can model digital etiquette.

Through this class, I have learned to continue to grow as an educator and leader. I am willing to try new ways to make students love learning as well. This class has helped me evaluate and reflect on my experiences with technology and I will continue to be a part of my global community.

Learning Artifacts...

Twitter: I found twitter to be a great place to start a search about a lesson idea I have for my classroom. For example, when I was developing a project based learning assignment, I searched #PBL and found great ideas and ready to go templates to use! I also enjoyed participating in twitter chats. Each week I check out EduChats's calendar and see what fits into my schedule!

Use Pearltrees: With this free website tool, I can organize and curate resources from the internet, no matter where they come from. A file, photo, or article can be saved to the different boards in my account. I can label and categorizes these for later use!

One Techy Bee: I started a blog about teaching with technology in order to connect with other educators and read about how technology is implemented in classrooms around the world. I enjoy taking the time to reflect and write about what I've learned on my journey!

Here's my final blog post about Becoming a Connected Educator!

My Goals for the Future...

  • I want to set aside time each week to initiate online conversations, participate in Twitter chats, and read other educator blogs.
  • Follow Twitter hashtags that interest me
  • Start a PLN with other teachers based on common goals or interests
  • Keep blogging!