Digital Tutorials

Learn some basic Photoshop tools to make effective positives and negatives for photo based processes in Printmaking. See the videos below.

Image Size / Resolution and Greyscale 

This clip goes through the steps of turning a colour image / RGB file into a black and white image / Grayscale file. It also shows how to change your image size and resolution. This is useful for images where you want to apply a half tone.

Threshold - Drawn images

How to make a greyscale image into just black and white pixels. This is particular relevant to Photo Etching and Screen Prints were no half tone is needed.

Threshold - Part one

How to use Threshold for more graphic based or digitally made imagery. In particular how the Threshold function works when using transparent Photoshop layers.

Threshold - Part Two

This tutorial will show you how to selectively apply a threshold to specific parts of the image file

This can be useful for image files that have line and tone

How to use illustrator 

This video shows you how to separate you Illustrator image file into black and white layers. Each colour needs its own layer and photo positive for Screen Print. Watch to find out more.

Don't have Photoshop or Illustrator ?

Click here for an alternative way to make photo positives/negatives using hand made techniques.