Portable Screen Beds

How to book

*Students will need to have had an induction in screen printing to be able to book one of the portable screen beds.

The aim of the portable screen beds is to support students who wish to work outside of the regular opening hours of the Printmaking Workshop.

Portable screen beds are now available for students to use in the following studio spaces in HPO.

Fine Art - Project Space

Graphics - 16. 2. 06 (Lv.6 - Studio)

The screens are large enough to accommodate artwork for 2x A4 prints, 1x A3 print or for printing directly onto a t-shirt or fabric.

Step 1:

To book one of the portable screen beds students need to get in contact with the technicians at the SIA Printmaking Centre on the following email:


Step 2:

You will be asked to send any artwork via Zendto so that your screen can be prepared for you. Details on how to do this can be found by clicking the link below:

Step 3: 

We will contact you let you know when your screens are ready to collect (turnaround is usually within 1 x day). After your screen is prepared you will be able to take it away with you and use on one of the screen beds in the studio.

Step 4:

Please see the following video demonstration on how to set up and use the portable screen bed. Individual 1 to 1 inductions on how to use the screen beds will also be provided.