Do we have to provide our own camping equipment e.t.c.?

Yes, although you will have access to the staff camping facilities (catering, toilets, showering facilities) you are required to bring all the camping equipment you will need over the course of the festival. 

Can I camp with friends?

If your friend is volunteering with SHU only, and you have a tent big enough, and you all agree, you and your friend can camp together in our SHU LEEDSFEST staff camping. 

Can I choose my day off and shifts?

Your shifts are designated by the Helpful Arena Team, not SHU and are non-negotiable.  You are expected to complete all your shifts to a high standard.  Return of deposits is dependent on the performance report from the HAT manager, after all shifts have been completed.

Can I work with my friends?

HATS will be working in pairs, so you can 'buddy up' with your friends which will mean you should be working together and therefore have your free time together. Shifts will not be arranged until we arrive on site.

Phone charging facilities

There will be a gazebo as a base for SHU volunteers which will have power running to it. This means you can charge your phone here. There iare also phone charging points within the festival site that members of the public can also use, however they do charge a fee. We do recommend bringing Power banks /Portable chargers to ensure you can have your phone charged at all times.   Please be considerate to others and don't hog the plugs!

When will I get my deposit back?

You will get your deposit back, if you complete all your shifts to the agreed standard, within 30 days of returning from the festival.

What are the shifts?

Your shifts will depend on your role and will therefore be allocated by your line manager at the festival. The shifts will be over the show days of the festival. The current expectation for HATs is 3 shifts of 8 hours each, plus induction and training on site..