What is Student WEllbeing?

What is counselling?

What is inclusion?

Inclusive education means that all members of our school community are valued and supported to fully participate, learn, develop and experience success within an inclusive school culture.

We facilitate Student Support Group meetings and implement strategies and recommendations coming out of the meeting.

Common myths about counselling:

Only students with "problems" speak with a counsellor.

myth 1.mp4

I don't really know what I'm feeling so is there any point talking to someone?

myth 4.mp4

If I see a counsellor they'll make me talk about things I don't want to talk about. 

myth 2.mp4

Guys don't talk about their feelings.

myth 3.mp4

If I talk to a counsellor they will tell my parents.

myth 5.mp4

I'm having suicidal thoughts, is that normal? 

myth 6.mp4