Navigating Online Instruction

Creating Authentic Connection in an Online Platform

Seana Sundermeyer

Secondary English Educator

Creating Authentic Connection

Traversing the World of Online Learning

Finding Inspiration on the Journey

Navigation, Anyone?

Lost, but Found!

Think for a moment a time when you were lost. I mean, really lost. What kinds of emotions stirred within you? Worry? Anxiety? Fear? The likelihood is that in that scenario, you probably felt all three!

I will never ever forget the time I got lost driving in Tokyo late at night. Just picture it -- driving on the left side of the road....signs galore, but full of symbols that were indecipherable. Three precious young cargo that you were responsible for present in your itty bitty vehicle. your possession, a cell phone with a completely depleted battery from the day's exciting activities. My beloved charger was in our OTHER vehicle. No charger meant no GPS! That was me! How in the world was I going to make it back to my hotel safely? The emotions I listed above consumed my being as I brainstormed ways to make it back . I was the responsible adult in this situation. Surely, I could make it back. Surely!

I thought through the possibilities of what I could do. I drove around a bit to see if one of the highways looked familiar. In my tired state, they all looked similar...and they all looked foreign. I stopped by a group of bus drivers and asked, in my limited Japanese, if they could help lead me back to the hotel. They were kind, but the hotel was beyond where they could take me - beyond their jurisdiction. Finally, I remembered that the konbini, the Japanese convenience stores, were typically open 24 hours. I stopped at one, with my precious cargo, and was able to purchase a phone charger! I had a powering source! Needless to say, after a quick charge, I was off and located my hotel within fifteen minutes! I can't tell you how grateful I was to pull into that parking garage!


Navigating the Unknown

The world of educational online tools and resources can seem overwhelming. Establishing an authentic connection with your students on this online platform may seem unattainable. Perhaps you felt like I did in Tokyo, not understanding the signs...or resource tools. Or maybe like those bus drivers, the goals of effective online learning seem beyond your jurisdiction...beyond your capabilities.

Well, let me assure you -- there is great comfort in being part of an educational community that understands you and knows where to find some powerful resources. Let me help support you with some encouraging words, personal stories, and useful (and powerful) resources that will inspire you to go places you never thought of before.

Road trip, anyone?