
2022 Ed.

Google Chat

March 22

Google Chat will be the default chat application (fully replacing Hangout)

Smart Canvas

Insert @ on a Google Doc to add templates, send tasks to collaborators, show files, and more.

Pageless Format

Coming Soon!

Pageless format in Docs gives teams more space to collaborate, helping to create an uninterrupted flow of information for both writers and viewers, as well as adding more horizontal space for content like tables and images.

Search Chips

Search chips in Google Drive help refine search results and surface important files faster

Originality Reports

Google Docs and Google Slides

Originality reports allow students and teachers to compare work against billions of web pages and books on the internet, making it easier to ensure academic integrity of the work. It can be used when submitting or receiving files within Google Classroom and Assignments.

Navigation Bar

From the URL bar in Google Drive, you can now quickly access key pages and functions.

Google Workspace

Google Meet

Live translations and captions between:


From Jamie Velasquez - How to Upload to Google Drive

Organizing Your Google Drive

Follow these steps to organize your Google Drive!

  1. Start with Folder Structure

  2. Implement Some Color

  3. Standardize Your System

  4. Update Your Naming Conventions

  5. Use Your Sub-Folders

  6. Use List View and Stars

  7. Regularly Audit your Google Drive

  8. Try Google Workspaces

  9. Master Advanced Search

  10. Consider Shortcuts

(Image Credit: Google - June 2021)

(Image Credit: Google - June 2021)