
TOP 15 Rom-Com Movies By Popularity

By Katie Cumbee

One of the things that I like to write about is pop culture and specifically the movies that are most commonly linked to a specific time or holiday. This month's Top 15 list is inspired by the month of February’s most popular holiday, Valentines Day. Rom-coms are popular because they have the desire or need for love. They can make you emotional in many ways, such as laughing, crying, or feeling a connection to a story or character. Rom-coms are also popular because they have a bit of magic that draws or attracts people to watch the movie.


Sources: -> movies -> romance movies, and google.



Click this link to see the list for the top ten most money making christmas movies

Top nine Most Geeky Books

By Isabella Schuble and Olivia Kaufmann

Many people have different opinions on books. We asked the MSJH students and staff what was the geekiest book in their opinion. We tallied and asked around and these are the results we got. 

Starting by the least geekiest……..

9th Hocus Pocus & The All New Sequel:When Halloween arrives the celebrations and parties don't quite go as planned. Now it's a race against time as Poppy and her friends fight to save her family and all of Salem from the witches' latest vile scheme this Halloween. Poppy is 17 years old and definitely not Halloween's biggest fan.

8th Sailor Moon: About:

The beloved anime character “Sailor Moon” her real name is“Usagi Tsukino” is  with her sailor scouts, mars, jupiter, saturn, pluto, mercury, venus ect. This is a manga and it is a 6th, 7th and 8th grade checkout. Great beginner anime. As an anime lover, this was my first manga ever so suggest! (try to test my anime knowledge)

7th:A space opera set “a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away,” the book centers on Luke Skywalker. 

6th percy Jackson:The series follows Percy Jackson, a young demigod, on his mission to prevent the Titans, led by Kronos, from destroying the world. 

5th place:

The seven dragon tribes have been at war for generations, locked in an endless battle over an ancient, lost treasure. 

4th “Shrek 2 The M0vie Novel”

It is really funny though it does have some crude humor. Definitely a good movie!

3rd Twilight: This book is an amazing romance with a dash of horror. It has vampires, werewolves, and Bella in the middle of it all. It is a 6th grade checkout.

2rd If you call yourself a geek, and don’t know this novel, you're a noob. “This is the only book that can compare to harry potter” as many say. This is a fantastic story if you have liked harry potter or fantasy books with difficult words. This is a 6ths grade checkout.


This was the most voted book of them all. Reaching the top of the leaderboard.“The Boy who Lived” is the winner.