Opinion Corner

Super Bowl 2024 Commercials 

By: Joshua Oliger

Do you love funny commercials? Do you like commercials? Well we have some funny news to share about a lot of funny super bowl commercials! Starting off with the most famous – and arguably the best – Super Bowl ad in history, the Apple “1984” ad, was nearly killed by the company for whom it was made. And if you think that was funny you will love this next one! An ad from the He Gets Us Campaign sparked controversy online after airing during the Super Bowl Sunday, Feb. 11. The 60-second spot showcased pairings of people who likely had different backgrounds and beliefs. Who doesn't like the “He gets us campaign,” am I right? But that's not all! I can keep going on for hours but I will list the most famous super bowl commercials of 2024! 

Oh my gosh! Those are really funny commercials! If I were you then I would watch them over and over! With that being said, I will see you next time!

    By: Olivia Kaufmann

Things to do When You're Bored

When you come home from school, are you stuck scrolling on your phone, even though you have better things to do? But If you tell your parents you're bored, they're gonna tell you “Clean your room” or “watch your siblings”. They're gonna give you a chore to do instead of fun ideas. Here is a list of ideas I'm here to offer.

Ideas for home:

Ideas for school:

 Hope this helps, there is not much for ideas for school, cuz what can you really do?


 What do you do when you're bored?

                            Fill out the form below to see your responses for ideas.


You can copy and paste (the link) it to the search bar, then it should take you to the Google form.

    Adopting A Pet: Adoption And Choices

By Amanda Miller

Have you ever wanted to adopt a pet to add to your family? Here are some pets you should adopt and why you should consider adopting a pet.

If you adopt a pet, you will learn responsibility, and you can form a deep bond with your new pet. You should adopt a pet because a pet store is probably just trying to make you buy one that looks cute to them. You should instead adopt a pet from a humane society and make them feel at home.

One type of pet you should adopt is an older cat. You should adopt one because an older cat will not normally get adopted normally and is less high energy, making for a perfect lap cat to sit with you. I have an older cat at home that was timid at first but soon became a loving lap cat.

Another type of pet you should adopt is a special needs cat or dog. Like older cats, these don’t usually get adopted because of cost and having to do special things to help them out. Also, they have just as good a personality as any other pet, so you should adopt one.

Lastly, you should adopt a type of pet that suits your personality. For example, a person who stays at home a lot might like a cat or a dog because with your extra time a cat can sit on you and if you like nature you can walk a dog at the park.

That is why you should adopt a pet to add to your family today. Just go to your local humane society and adopt a pet!

Longer Transition Periods

By Isabella Schuble

I think we as students should get a say in why we should get a longer transition period between all classes. So here are actual opinions by students who work with these incredibly short periods.

Lockers: One big problem with short transition periods is lockers. This is a big problem for lots of students and here is their reasoning. 

Q: What is a problem with lockers? 

One of these many students with complaints is Paisley McDuffee. Her quotes are, “When I am trying to get to my locker the four people closest  have their stuff sprawled out and then I can’t get inside.” She quotes “ I wish there was a better solution for it.”

This is an example of how close the lockers are. Now Imagine having four people's things sprawled along the floor.

Classroom Spacing: Another problem is the big distance between classrooms. Here is Cadence Roberts to tell you her perspective on this problem. One reason is “ When I am getting to my next class, I feel like when I am going through the crowd I might pass my next class.”  Q: Why do you feel like that?  “All my classes are close to each other but they are in a different arrangement so it takes a while to get to them in a short period of time.”

We are now going to do an experiment. We are going to time Cadence going from her ELA class ( room 126 ) to the Orange Gym. We are going to see how long this takes without a crowd and her walking. She has three minutes to do so. This takes her 1 minute and 18 seconds. This is without a crowd and nothing to carry. So that would slow her down and then 3 minutes would be very hard to manage.


By Katie Cumbee

The schools here are getting more and more crowded. The highschool has less people than all the others combined. Every school year more students come. Everyday students have to smush themselves in to get to their lockers just to open them and put their stuff away. The more students there are, the more students that can misbehave. Meaning poor behavior can increase if there are more students in each school.

There are longer lines nowadays due to the increase of students in school. Students have to wait for a long time, 20 minutes or so at the latest. They now have more students than people that can fit in a 48 seated classroom ( Mrs. Kelly’s room for art club). Fifty people have signed up and some aren’t going there due to the overcrowding in the room. The more people the more crowded the place gets, it will keep repeating but with more people every school year. I believe that one day that the population of students at school is so huge that some students can’t go to school for the whole school year,they might have to do it remotely.

School has so many students they have to cram them all into a classroom. Since it’s so crowded it’s slow for people to get from one class to the next class. They also would have to wait a lot in order to go to the bathroom. If there are a lot of kids needing to go at once, same for going to get a drink. 

Every two quarters there is a field trip and if there are a lot of students then they would have to put them on a lot of buses for them to go without causing mayhem on the school buses.


The school lockers were hard when you needed to put in a combination, now it is harder when there are a lot of people trying to get to their lockers! Think of it as this… You go to your locker and try to put in your combination then kids come to their lockers and it is close to yours, after that you're smushed! Then after that, more kids come and smush the kids that are smushing you so they can try to get to their lockers! It would take a long while for you to get it open, maybe even after the first period starts! The school needs to be bigger in order for more people to not get smushed from either side of the lockers!

Imagine: you get to class one day, your class is going to be with another teacher's class! You are happy and feel down. You are happy because of getting to see your friends that are in that class, and feeling down because of the classroom having to fit two classes into one! You sit in your seat then your class is leaving to the other teacher's classroom. You are sitting down on the floor and a classmate from the other class starts to bother you, but the teacher’s don’t notice. You ask to go to get a drink but the teacher says not until the lesson is over or even the class period! There isn’t enough room for everyone to have a seat, it’s too crowded for teachers to see everyone, and you probably won’t get a drink because lines will be very long.

The school’s staff amount is still the same despite the increase in students. They need more teachers so they can have substitutes for any teacher that isn't there for the day. They also need more teachers so the class sizes can be smaller.