NEXT GROWLER: Friday, January 26th

Important Upcoming dates & Events

Happy New Year!

Mark Your Calendars:


..Student Calendar 2023-2024.pdf

Where is Mr. Wunderlich?

Since the week prior to winter break Mr. Wunderlich has been serving as Interim Principal at Norris Elementary during their administrator's maternity leave. You will find Miss Steensma and Mrs. Studt sharing the Interim Admin Intern role at Wheeler through the first week in March. 

Lunch Guest REMINDER & ABC's Of Wheeler

Lunch Dates:  We are asking parents to come to lunch at Wheeler only for special occasions with their students (birthdays, Wildcat of the Week, etc.). We will have you eat lunch in the office/entry lunch tables as our lunchroom is at capacity. 

23-24 Parent/Student ABC's of Wheeler

2024-2025 Class List parent Input- due 2/23

Soon Wheeler will begin the process of creating class lists for the 2024-2025 school year.  When we create class lists, our primary objective is to provide positive experiences for all students.  We work to create balanced classrooms that address different personalities, abilities, special needs, learning styles, peer relations and balance boys, girls, etc. 

Our school team (teachers, admin, specialists, counselors, interventionists, etc.) spends a great deal of time creating class lists. The teachers know the children in the school environment and have unique insights into their social, emotional, behavioral and academic needs.  In short we feel we have a strong system in place for determining placements.  

While we DO NOT accept specific teacher requests by name -we do want to provide parents with an opportunity to communicate any special needs and considerations.  Please do not feel obligated to send us information unless you feel it will enhance our ability to make the best placement for your child.  

However, if you do choose to offer input please do so by sending Mr. Wunderlich an email ( or letter by February 24th stating the requested considerations.  Administration will then review the information and send available dates/times of meeting options (if needed) prior to mid-March.  



PTA Meeting!




Do you live in the Wheeler attendance area and have a child starting Kindergarten in 2024-2025? Do you know of anyone else that does? 

Wheeler is beginning to generate our 24-25 Kindergarten roster list and we need your help.

CLICK HERE- for more information & next steps.

Please Share This!


Community Calendar 23-24

Wheeler PTA 23-24 Events Calendar copy 2.pdf


Check us out on Social Media and the School Website for more info!

Wheeler Elementary

6707 S. 178th Street Omaha, NE 68135

Office: 402-715-6250 | Health Room: 402-715-6251

SPARK: 402-991-6794 | Safe Schools Hotline: 1-888-809-4754


Student Calendar