The final step is to evaluate your completed assignment. Make time to think about how you approached each step of the research assignment, what worked and what didn’t work, and consider how you might improve your approach for the assignment.

Ask yourself these questions:

How well did I follow the first 5 steps?

What can I do better next time?

Your teacher may give you a rubric for your assignment. This is a good way to make sure you are meeting all the criteria while you are working.

While the rubric will determine the grade you receive, this evaluation is from your teacher. You should also do a self-evaluation to score how well you did on the assignment. This helps you make changes so you don’t repeat the same mistakes in future assignments.

ReadWriteThink has a good example of a Research Assignment Self-Evaluation you can save and print for yourself (linked below).

Be honest with yourself. Consider your grade, what comments your teacher left on your assignment, and where you know you may have cut corners or unintentional errors.
