
WHat is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is the representation of another’s ideas or writing as your own. When you plagiarize, you are stealing another person's hard work.

There are two types of plagiarism:


A deliberate attempt on the part of the student to pass off as his or her own writing or ideas of another person (student, parent, published or unpublished author, etc.)


Copying another student’s paper or downloading a paper written by someone else and turning it in as your own


A failure to acknowledge indebtedness to outside material that results from the student’s lack of attention to proper procedures for documentation.


Forgetting to cite the sources you used to write your paper

Both types of plagiarism are serious violations of the principles of academic integrity.

⚡ Plagiarism will not be tolerated. ⚡

How do I avoid plagiarism?

1. Always record the sources that you use in your research. You can do this on paper, in Microsoft Word, or in a Google Doc.

Keep a Research Log or create Source Cards to organize your sources.

⚡ TIP: As you locate sources, record them! Don’t wait until you are writing your paper to try and find them again. Not sure if you are going to use a source? Record it anyway. You can always remove it later!

2. If you use an idea from another author, cite it in both parenthetical citation and on the Works Cited Page.

⚡ TIP: Even if you are not using a direct quote, you need to cite your source. Paraphrasing and summarizing also require parenthetical citation and an entry on the Works Cited Page. Always remember to do both!

3. If you aren’t sure whether to cite a source or not, always cite it. Your teacher can help you decide if this information is considered general knowledge and does not need a citation. You can always remove the citation later!

Please Note:

Your paper may be reviewed by anti-plagiarism software.

Students and parents/guardians will be asked to read and sign the below Statement on Plagiarism to indicate their understanding of what plagiarism is and what the consequences of committing plagiarism will be:

MPS Statement of Plagiarism.pdf