The fifth step is to complete your research assignment. You must apply your analytical skills to your writing by properly structuring your paper based on your thesis statement (or main topic), incorporating your selected quotes and paraphrases, and following the proper formatting guidelines.

Ask yourself these questions:

How do I build a paper around my information?

How do I analyze instead of summarize the topic?

⚡ TIP: It is important to always include some form of analysis in your research assignment. Summaries are appropriate for annotated bibliographies, but your final product must do more than simply summarize.

In order to structure your paper, your teacher may ask you to create an outline. You may also choose to create an outline for this or other assignments if you find it helpful.

This section will cover how to format an outline and what mistakes or misconceptions are common to writing assignments.

Please note that your teacher is the best source of information when it comes to the writing process. You should seek assistance and feedback from your teacher as often as possible during this time.

How do I create an outline? How can an outline help me write my paper?

What are some common mistakes when writing papers? How can I avoid making these mistakes?