
(Important Info)

Anthony is an IB/MYP site. This means that we are part of an international education group called IB (International Baccalaureate.) MYP is the Middle Years Programme, which is building the skills and knowledge that IB encourages.

SO, what this means for grading is that we are moving away from traditional grades and focusing more on how students are demonstrating learning. As a school, we are moving towards grading EVERYTHING on an 8 point scale. Within those 8 points, there are 5 basic categories.

The attached chart will give you an idea of what I am thinking when I award a point value for an assignment. (If you click on the grey box in the upper right, it will open the document in a new tab, so you can see it clearer or print it. Otherwise, you might have to scroll up and down to see the whole thing.)

I usually grade based on the most consistent grades, as well as the most recent. In other words, if a student has grades of 8, 8, 7, 3, 8, and 8 during the last three weeks, their current grade will be an A. (And I will be checking in with them to see why the one grade was so different from their usual pattern!) If they consistently got 3s and 4s during the first few weeks, but then they decided to work harder and ask for help, and they finish the quarter with all 7s and 8s, they could end the quarter with a A-, or possibly even an A. I know it sounds complicated, but the idea is that we are focusing on LEARNING and not just the grades. We want students to be more focused on whether they are learning and challenging themselves, not just focused on that letter.

NOTE: We recently figured out that the student and parent portal looks super confusing! Don't pay attention to any averages- just look at the numbers.

IB Score Rubric