8th Grade Information

8th grade Language and Literature will focus on deepening our understanding of literature. We will be moving away from "I know what this is about," to "I know what this means and what it tells me about the human condition." This will involve asking students to take risks in what they read and how they connect with it. It will also ask students to be open-minded. Maybe you will need to read a type of literature you haven't read before. Maybe you will need to give something a chance when you think you won't like it.

Students will also be strengthening the skills that high schools are expecting. We are moving towards more project-based learning. Expect to see fewer grades for smaller assignments and for projects and papers to make up a greater part of the grade. We will be working on personal organization skills such as keeping on top of deadlines and making choices that are manageable based on time, interests, and skills. We will also work on organization in research and the structure of papers and projects.

We will read some fun, challenging, and thought-provoking literature and have a GREAT year!

Check the Google Classroom for links to assignments and materials.

Students will be able to find resources, assignments, and other information in their class's Google Classroom.

The syllabus is posted below. Click on it to make it bigger.

8th Grade Syllabus 2021:2022 .pdf