Touching hearts, one hoofbeat at a time

By Pamela L. Sherlock

Pamela L. Sherlock

New Prague, Minn.



Laurie Baer rescues horses and people at her faith-based HIS Haven Ranch in Lexington, MN, using prayer and therapeutic riding to help those with disabilities and trauma.

Laurie Baer, owner of HIS Haven Ranch, with her volunteer team of teenage wranglers, lay hands on and pray for the perfect healing of a lame, aging mare. HIS Haven Ranch is a nonprofit faith-based therapeutic riding facility.

Laurie, while contemplating her horse’s future, is still filled with hope because of her personal relationship with Jesus. Laurie has owned the ranch since 2006 and has hundreds of volunteers. Thousands of riders have gone through her program.

A sign in the ranch’s feed room apprises everyone of the day’s schedule. Laurie uses “Love List” instead of “Chores” to remind everyone to love the work they are doing.

Before the evening gets underway, Laurie gathers her team together for instruction and prayer.

Through Laurie’s therapeutic riding program, young people with disabilities, difficult life situations, or trauma gain self-regulation and confidence.

During the sessions, each rider is blindfolded and leads their horse around an obstacle course by verbal instruction only. Laurie compares this to listening to the Holy Spirit.

For safety reasons, there is always at least one wrangler with a lead rope on the horse as the other wrangler verbally guides the blindfolded ride through the obstacle course.

Laurie connects with her volunteer program manager before the wranglers arrive at the barn.

Laurie’s day begins with letting the horses out of the barn.

The “Love List,” or “Chores,” are never ending on a farm. Laurie picks the dry lots daily in order to keep the flies down.

“Even cats have their own ministry,” Laurie said, explaining that cats can bring amazing healing to a hurting soul.

After sharing her trailer with her friend Laura, Laurie is not afraid to share her faith. She is comfortable with praying in public at a local fast food restaurant.