7 Dimensions of Wellness

Here you will find all our material and videos on the 7 Dimensions of Wellness.

Lesson plans and powerpoints can be found on Google Classroom.

Emotional Wellness

Inter & Intrapersonal Emotional Skills, The Vocabulary of Emotions, Soundtrack of Emotions 

Environmental Wellness

The space we live in: our social environment, our cultural environment, our natural world, our home environment, etc. Analysis of chosen environment - how does your environment affect you positively/negatively? How can we develop agency in any given environment? 

Social Wellness

Building supportive relationships, dealing with conflict effectively, and making the time for socializing contribute to one’s overall social wellness. Activities and lessons on: listening mindfully, communicating effectively, establishing boundaries, conflict/resolution, and coexisting in diversity and disagreement. 

Physical Wellness

Nutrition & Digestion (includes poop talk!), Exercise, Body Image/ Dieting, Sleep and sleep tracking experiment 

Intellectual Wellness

Intellectual wellness is engaging in creative and mentally-stimulating activities, expanding your knowledge and imparting knowledge to others. Therefore this unit is all about sharing YOUR PASSION!! Everyone will have the opportunity to create and share a presentation about their favorite thing/hobby/place/whatever, and every student will have a chance to learn about something completely random and new!! 

Occupational Wellness

One’s personal fulfillment with the work they do. Do I use my talents and skills to contribute positively to the world around me? Do I make it a priority to find paid and volunteer opportunities that interest me? Do I take the time to learn skills that will help me accomplish my goals? Do I actively identify and reduce occupational and academic stress? Am I able to find a balance between school/work and leisure time? 

Spiritual Wellness

Personal Values, Connection to higher power, connection to nature, meditation, philosophy, The 8 Fold Path of Yoga & The 4 Noble Truths of Buddhism, personal religion/practice