Family & Relationships

Here is where you can find all of the MAJOR materials and resources aligned with UNIT 4

note:  not all resources will be utilized in class every year; however all resources CAN be used as supplements AND EXTRA CREDIT every year!

Family slides

Family & Relationships

When it comes to values, ask most Americans what tops their list and it's family, but if that's the case why are so many of our families fractured? 

It's a question worth considering, especially as you go on to create your own families later in life. 

We generally use this unit two ways. 1) to explore the traditions and values of our own families and 2) to look at what "family" means in America, through literature, film, and especially TV!

But first, what do WE say about US when it comes to the American Family?

Meet our American Family 


Our American Family

Since 1992, Bill Moyers has been following the story of two ordinary, hard-working families in Milwaukee rais[ing] unsettling questions about the changing nature of the U.S. economy and the fate of a declining middle class. 

Below are some of the books we like to use to discuss American families. And we are always looking for more suggestions!

Here are some of the films we have looked at,
as a class, or in individual projects 

and so many more!